𝐗𝐈𝐕 || 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧

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"Kilalanin" - means get to know her/him.



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Draco and Y/n have reached their destined place after driving an hour on the road. It was beachside, and there were not that many people at the beach because of the cloudy day in this part of France.

"I do not even know why you have brought me here." She scoffed whilst Draco got out of his car.

"I thought you want to go somewhere peaceful. Is this not peaceful enough for you?" He said calmly as he opened the door for her. However, she didn't come out of the car or even set foot on the ground. She just sat there with her arms crossed and not even looking at the young man.

"It would be peaceful if you were not here." She said.

Draco was trying to hold in his anger, avoiding bursting out his flames that may result in something that it'll lock him in Azkaban.

"You do know that you cannot escape this, especially now that I have your mother's permission." He reminded her.

"And what do you expect me to do? Talk to a guy like you?"

"A guy like me?"

"Yes," She exclaimed. "A man who always has desires to have sex with different women on different nights."

"How many times do I have to tell you that I stopped doing that vicious thing a year ago?"

"And I still do believe that you're still going to do it." She raised a brow and crossed her arms on her chest. "A man like you thinks women like they're toys."

Draco felt like bursting his anger right now. All he just wanted is to write a book inspired by her. And yes, he would sometimes think of why he had chosen her as his inspiration when she always throws an attitude at him. But...there's something within him that made him convince that he should get to know this girl because he felt like there's something about her that made him feel different.

"If only you knew how much I tried to get to speak to you, but you always pushed me away because of what you believe about me." He exclaimed. "You do not know how tired I am, yet you still kept making it hard for me. It's a good thing you live a lavish life whilst I live to earn money to live."

This, of course, has made Y/n speechless. It was not her fault that she was born into a wealthy family. But when Draco stated that he lives to earn money so that he could survive, she felt bad for the reason that she kept on pushing him away.

And yes, Draco earns a lot of money from selling books but money can go away fast and it doesn't stay longer because of his financial needs.

"Fine," She sighed, her voice changed into something cold and soft as if she was defeated. "I'll give you a chance."


Both of them were sitting down on the beach cloth that Draco had brought. The sea breeze was not too much strong and not too faint, it was just exact for her that it made her hair slightly dance with it.

"Do you want something to eat?" Draco asked and Y/n shook her head.

Draco remembered when Marc told him about her that she only ate less because of the fear that she may get body-shamed again. Marc has seen it all inside her mind with the use of Legilimency. It may be disrespectful but at that time, Marc was just trying to read her mind and he did not expect that she was thinking of the memories when she was body-shamed by her mother and even their dance mistress. He did not expect to see that because she was smiling that day and eating her lunch whilst reading a non-fiction book.

Well, many would say that one cannot identify what that person is going through under the person's fake facade.

"You sure?" Draco asked again.

Then again she shook her head.

Draco sighed and gazed back at the sea, watching children playing around on the shallow part of the sea, and a couple were trying to hunt shells to be cooked for supper this evening in their humble abode.

"I'm really sorry about your necklace." Draco finally spoke.

"You do know that I cannot forgive you easily for it." She doesn't sound mad or irritated. He thought she would be, yet she sounds unhappy when he made mention of her necklace.

"I know," His eyes gazed at the sandcastle that the children built earlier. "But about your necklace...is it something important to you?" He asked as if he still didn't know the reason why the necklace is so precious to her.

"I guess you deserve to know the truth..." She held a grip on the tiny pendant of her necklace. "The truth is...." She clicked her tongue. "My pendant contains ashes from my father's hair...that is why it would be a burden to me if I lost it. I would feel lonely without it too..."

"Is that why you cried?" He turned his head to her.

"Isn't it obvious?" She looked at him, raising her brow.

"Sorry..." His gazes went back to the sea whilst the children were splashing water at each other. "I think we should start by getting to know you." He began.

"Why should you be getting to know me when I do not know you entirely, besides the fact that you're a womanizer yourself."

"I'm not--" He looked at her and stopped himself from getting irritated. "I need to get to know you in order for me to write the book."

"And why did you choose me?" She blurted, and her one brow was raised again. "There are other women you could write about."

"Curiosity." He answered.

"Curious?" She tilted her head slightly to the left. "And?"

"Only that."

She exhaled deeply as she turned her head and gazed at the beautiful sight in front of her: The children trying to play catch after playing at the sea; and the couple counting the shells that they have picked up.

"Fine, I'll tell you about me but..." She uttered.


"In exchange for telling me about you too."

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