𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐗 || 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧

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Draco arrived with grocery bags in both of his hands whilst Y/n stayed in the house and finished placing their things in the cabinet in each of their rooms. And yes, the house was composed of 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a toilet and a dining room. It wasn't big or small. It was a house good for a family of three or perhaps four.

While Draco placed the groceries on the kitchen island, he saw Y/n sitting on the wide sill of the window with her legs curled up and hugged by her arms whilst her eyes were staring at the wide lake.

He noticed something was off about her. She hadn't even noticed him coming in and didn't even reply or even gave any nonverbal language to him when he told her that he was back. It's like her mind has gone off somewhere, departing her consciousness to the unconscious world. This gave him a sign that he should talk to her. He knew that there are many things that he still doesn't know and that she just wanted to talk it out to someone. But what if she didn't want to? But nothing's going to be missing when he tried, right?

He suddenly cleared his throat, which finally caught Y/n's attention.

"I'm sorry." She slightly shook her head whilst closing her eyes before getting off the window sill. "I didn't know you have already arrived."

"Seems like you have been thinking a lot since I went grocery shopping. Is something wrong?" He asked whilst putting the groceries out of the eco bags.

Y/n sat down on the high chair, resting her elbow on the marbled top of the kitchen island with her chin resting on the palm of her hand.

"I'm alright." She smiled. Though, Draco knew that she was only faking it. "Do you mind taking me on tour around the town?"

"No," A sigh escaped his lips as sat on the high chair across from her, the kitchen island becoming a barrier between half of their bodies.

"I was not expecting that." She chuckled, her palm parted from her chin. "Well, I guess I have to go alone then." She pressed both her hands on the cold marble tile of the table, preparing to jump off the high stool, but she was stopped when Draco held her wrist gently, which made her look at him with curious eyes. "Draco, what's wrong?"

"I cannot allow you to leave. You don't know around here."

"Then why don't you accompany me."

"But I know for a fact that you haven't told me anything about why you wanted to take a sudden vacation." He uttered, causing Y/n to sit there with her mouth shut. She did promise him that she'll tell him while on the ride, but it so happens that she might have forgotten.

She sat there with her eyes staring down at the marbled counter and her hands interlocked with each other. She thought of how to begin about the reason for her sudden trip, and of course, she would never admit that she wanted to spend a week with him away from her mother before departing with each other. She never truly wanted to end their friendship, especially when it became wholesome, but when it comes to her mother, her mother has control of everything in her life, especially when she's still her guardian even though she's already at the age of 22.

"Does your aunt even know you're here?"


"Then why didn't you?"

"Because she'll get worried too and tell mother my whereabouts, especially Fatima." She sighed.

"Then can you tell me the reason why we're here?"

She zipped her mouth again, and Draco didn't like that she won't tell him, especially when she kept a promise that she'll tell him.

"If you tell me then I'll accompany you, let alone tour you outside." He smiled softly. "You do know that you can tell me. I won't call your mom, I promise."

"You promise?"

"Yes," He showed his pinky finger.

"I don't really do that kind of-" But before she could finish speaking, Draco suddenly lifted her hand and interlocked her pinky finger with his, showing her how much she could trust him not telling her mom where they are.

"So now, tell me why you ran away just to take a week's vacation other than wanting to get away for a while from your career." He said as their pinky fingers parted.

But of course, she won't tell that she wanted to spend a week with Draco before breaking their friendship off. She would tell him some reasons about why she suddenly ran away after they just got from the party. It was truly unusual, for the reason that she should be resting after the long and tiring night.

"Apparently, I always have been wanting to go to other places, such as this. I have heard about Sirmione before, but I haven't been here." She chuckled softly. "It has been 12 years since I last travelled to a different country."

"So, you've been only in the Philippines and around France."

"Yes, that's the only place I have been to. But it has already been 12 years since I last set foot on my father's country home." She sighed.

Silence fell through into their conversation, hearing the tiny drops of water from the faucet as it splashed down unto the metallic sink. Draco felt pity for her. He did think about how lucky she is to have been born into a family who cared about her. However, the way her mother cared about her was too much that she even became strict about her life.

Mrs Magindara was too protective over her that it made her life miserable.

He knew there was so much more reason why she ran away for just a week's vacation, but he felt that she was just not ready to tell him. So, all he could just do is wait for her to open up or just respect her decision for not telling him about it.

"Well," A breath escaped his not-too-pinkish lips. "Now that you have told me your reason, I guess I'll have to accompany you."

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