𝐗𝐋𝐕 || 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐢𝐥

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Pagtataksil - means 'Betrayal'.



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Draco felt a bit distant since she arrived from her morning walk. Y/n couldn't help but wonder what had happened to him while she was away for only a short while. It made her worried because Draco would just try to change the topic whenever she would ask what was troubling his dear mind then turn cold again as if there was a wide ocean separating them. He didn't even face her whilst they were lying down on the bed. All she could see was his back. But even though, Draco treated her like that, she gave him a hug from behind just to let him know that whatever was troubling him, everything would be alright. So she expected that he'd come up to her in the morning and tell her about it, but he still remained distant and silent about it.

This is the day that they'll be leaving Sirmione, but she didn't want to leave this place when Draco's like this. He still wasn't himself and had been looking out of the window, with his body leaning against the tall window's frame and his hands inside his pockets, whilst gazing at the lake. So she gathered all her might and asked him.

"Draco, love, I just hate seeing you like this..." She fretted, yet her voice remained soft. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

And yet, there was no response from him.

"Draco, why are you—"

"You'll be taken home this afternoon." His cold voice gave her shivers.

"Wha— What do you mean?" She stuttered, confused by what he meant she'd be taken home this afternoon.

"I have called your mother and someone will be taking you home to France." He finally faced her, staring at her coldly in the eyes. He looked rather as if nothing happened between them in the weeks they had spent together.

"Draco, is this a joke?" She chuckled. "Come on now. We still need to pack your things since you haven't packed yet." She held his hand, trying to pull him, but he never held onto it and let her hand go. She never liked the feeling he was giving her. She felt like she was the problem.


"How are you so naive, Magindara?"

He never called her with her last name before and it quite hurt her precious heart that Draco once protected.

"What are you talking about?" She asked. Confusion was drawn to her face.

A scoff left his lips then he spoke, "Is it not evident that I only used you?"

"What?" Her eyes widened in shock, looking at Draco as if she had seen a ghost.

"You heard me," He groused.

"Dra— Draco, stop joking around."

But Draco just stared at her grimly.

"But...I— I thought you—"

"Love you?" A devilish smirk was plastered on his lips, looking at her as if she was nothing to him, but  in truth, she was everything to him. Indeed, he didn't want to do this to her. He didn't want to break her heart, but the choice he made was the only way to see her, despite not speaking or going near her. "Don't be ridiculous, Magindara. I would never love such a woman like you. You are just a pathetic girl, desperate to be appreciated, desperate for lo—"

"You're lying." Her voice started to quiver and made Draco hurt more.

"Why would I lie? You do know I have a bad reputation in the first place." He mocked, eyeing her up and down. "I didn't know you were this easy to get. I thought you were smart enough to realize, but I was wrong. You are just the same as the other girls I slep—"

His cheek was met by her hand, slapping him so hard that it left a red mark on his pale skin.

"I HATE YOU!" And with that, she walked away, heading to her room, as she slammed the door shut.

Draco was left there crying, silently.


Afternoon came and the rain couldn't stop pouring ever since the clock struck 10:35 in the morning. Y/n's eyes were still red and puffy from all the crying. She didn't even look at Draco, who happened to be in the living room when she went out of her room earlier to go take a bath before she could take her leave this afternoon. It's like she never even acknowledged his presence.

And now, the clock has struck 1 and Y/n was waiting for the person, who'll come and fetch her. She hasn't seen Draco anywhere around the house ever since she got out of the bathroom. He must probably be in his bedroom, not wanting to see her.

Poppy whimpered, giving her puppy eyes, whilst standing up with its paws resting on her knees.

"No, Poppy, I won't say goodbye to him." She sighed. "He wouldn't even care if I bid him farewell."

Poppy gave another whimper.

"I'm sorry, Poppy. But it is best I should leave quietly."

Then there was a knock on the door that startled them both. Y/n stood up from the couch, grabbed her trolley bag, and carried Poppy with one of her hands. She knew it would be Mr Durand, their family driver, who would come to fetch her. He has been working with them ever since her parents got married.

As she opened the door, she was greeted by Mr. Durand with an umbrella above him.

"Bon après-midi, mademoiselle." Mr Durand smiled. "Are you ready to leave?" (Translation: "Good afternoon, miss.")

"Yes, I am." She returned a smile but not as wide as what Mr Durand had given her.

"Very well then, I shall take your luggage after I take you into the car."


Draco perfectly hid himself in the window behind the curtains, watching her get inside the car as the rain poured continuously. He wished he'd given her a hug one last time but he couldn't, for he didn't want her to see him cry and it'll be hard for him to let her go.

He did want to tell her about her mother and the choices she gave him, but he knew it would just create more consequences, such as not seeing her again.

He let out a deep sigh from his lips as tears rolled down his cheeks, watching the driver shut the trunk and head to the driver's seat. Then he muttered under his breath, saying...

"I'm sorry, love......"

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