𝐗𝐗𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 || 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞

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A/n: Sorry, I forgot to upload this chapter last Sunday



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Draco drove his car to Sirmione, Italy for 10 hours — the stopovers for rest or nap and for eating were not included in those hours, so perhaps it took them 15 hours in total. It was a long trip and Draco surely wanted to take a rest from driving and find a place to stay for a week. Although, he remembers that there's this place he used to stay in when he was here. It was a transient home, and it would be perfect for them since it has two rooms and he knew who the owner is since he always comes back here for vacation.

Y/n, on the other hand, doesn't need much rest. She slept most of the hours and spent her waking hours talking to him, admiring the view outside his window car, and eating a salad or healthy sandwiches from groceries or convenience stores they passed by. She didn't drive because Draco was the one who brought his car and Y/n left hers back in their Manoir because she didn't want to be heard that she left during the evening after they got home from the party.

He parked in front of the transient home, not waking Y/n up, and went to the next house, the house of the owner of the transient home, Mr and Mrs Fiore. The now transient house, which was a house before, was supposedly for their son and his wife, but due to their change of minds, their son along with his wife went to London because of his job.

He knocked in front of the door with his other hand inside his pocket and waited for a response.

Whilst waiting, his eyes turned back to the car, looking at her whilst her head was resting against the window frame of his car and her chest was gently rising and falling, which indicated that she sleeping peacefully, oblivious to where they have reached.

Draco didn't tell her where they were going. He only said that she'll love the place, and of course, he knew damn well that she would love this place. She didn't tell him that he loves places like this but he knew that she needed a vacation place like this, especially when Lake Garda was just nearby. This place would be a refreshing place for her, he thought.

He averted his eyes from her when he heard someone opening the door, and there revealed a curvy white-haired man.

"Oh, Draco, è una sorpresa vederti qui. Di solito non Vieni senza preavviso." The old man spoke in his language, Italian. (Translation: "Oh, Draco, it is a surprise to see you here. You don't usually come unannounced.")

Mr Fiore and his wife speak only a little English. However, Draco has no struggles with them since his mother, Narcissa, taught him how to speak Italian along with French and Spanish. His mother would often tell him about how it is important to learn other languages to easily communicate with foreign people.

"Bene," He scratched behind his neck and his eyes gazed back to Y/n, who is still yet sleeping. "È una specie di—" (Translation: "Well," & "It's kind of—")

"Aspetta, ti sei già sposato, giovanotto?" Mr Fiore said in amusement, eyes gleaming at Draco. (Translation: "Wait, have you married already, young lad?")

"N...n...no, signore!" Draco exclaimed, his cheeks began to blush in a bright red colour as the sun hit his pale face. "Lei è... Lei è... la mia uhh... fidanzata." His panic made him utter the word girlfriend in the language of Italy. (Translation: "N...n...no, sir!" & "She's...She's...my uhh...girlfriend.")

"Scusi?" The old man didn't quite catch what he said, for his ears have been failing him. (Translation: "Pardon?")

Draco felt quite relieved that he didn't hear that because Y/n would feel awkward about it if she found out and she wouldn't be convinced for being his pretend girlfriend.

"Lei è mia amica," Draco said. "E siamo qui per una vacanza. Anche se è stato solo improvviso." (Translation: "She's my friend." & "And we're here for a vacation. Although, it was just sudden.")

"Oh, pensavo fosse tua moglie." Mrs Fiore chuckled and turned to look at her husband as soon as she appeared behind Mr Fiore. "Amore, perché non gli dai la chiave di casa. Hanno ancora bisogno di riposare." Then she looked back at Draco. "Anche se la casa non era ancora pronta per gli ospiti. Ti va bene? L'abbiamo pulito solo la scorsa settimana." (Translation: "Oh, I thought she is your wife.", "Love, why don't you give him the key to the house? They still need to rest." & "Although, the house was not quite ready yet for guests. Is it alright with you? We only cleaned it last week.")

"Va tutto bene, signora Fiore. Lo puliremo. Non devi preoccuparti." Draco assured the old lady. (Translation: "It's alright, Mrs Fiore. We'll clean it. You need not worry.")


Draco cleaned the house without tiring himself with the use of his wand, commanding every cleaning object to work for itself. He didn't wake Y/n up in the car and left her and their luggage there so that he could clean the house quickly. Mr and Mrs Fiore knew that he is a wizard, for the old lovely couple are too.

He made his way back to the car, got inside the car and pretended that he didn't just clean the house for like 10 minutes, to wake her up and get their things settled inside the house.

"Hey," He gently brushed his hand on her arm, causing her to wake up.

"Hmm?" She hummed. Her eyes were still half-sleep.

"We're here." He smiled softly at her, with his heart pounding for her, which he thought that she could hear it.

"Where are we?" She rubbed her eyes, sitting back straight and facing Draco in the driver's seat.

"Sirmione." He replied, smiling at her.

"Sirmione? Where is this?"

"Italy," A soft chuckle left his lips. "I know you haven't been here before, but I know you'll love this place."

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