𝐗𝐕𝐈 || "𝐍𝐨"

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Days passed by and a Luncheon was held at Barlowe's estate garden at the Archangel Village. Y/n didn't want to go but her cousin, Fatima, persuaded her to come, for she reasoned out that she would be bored if she didn't come. And here she is right now, sitting down at the table, drinking iced lemonade whilst waving her fan to her face. She didn't truly understand why the Barlowes held the luncheon in their garden when it was like 45° outside.

"You were right," Fatima groaned. "We shouldn't have attended in this heat. And how come the guests are ok with this? We're already wearing sundresses, yet here we are taking a bath in our own sweat. Tangina." (Meaning: This is a vulgar word in the Philippines.)

"Tanungin mo sila, baka malaman mo." Y/n replied, chuckling. (Translation: "Ask them, maybe you'll know.")

"Shut up," Fatima playfully rolled her eyes. "I'll get us some more Lemonade." She stood up from her chair and walked over to the table where the iced lemonades are.

Y/n stood up too and went inside the house to go to the washroom so she could look at herself in the mirror and tie her hair and wash her face. She feels quite irritated because of the heat that almost made her want to jump at the fountain in the Barlowes' garden.

However, when she was about to make her way to the washing room, a man held her wrist and stopped her from her pace. She turned around to see who the man is.

And of course, the only person who treated her with disrespect is no other than Harold, a suitor of hers who has proposed to her several times and couldn't take no for an answer.

"What do you want now, Harold?" Y/n pulled her wrist away from this man and crossed her arms.

She truly couldn't even believe why this man is even invited to this party. She knew that he is a noble man, but she most knew that he is an arrogant git.

"Are you playing hard to get?" He asked like he's so determined that Y/n was playing hard to get.

"Eww, why would I be?" She eyed him up and down.

"Then marry me." He said.

"No!" She replied, getting more irritated by this arrogant man. "Can't you see that I am not interested in becoming your wife? Or are you just really blind, let alone dumb?"

"Don't you want to live a grander life than the life you have?" He asked. "Don't you want to bear children for me so that we could live a merrier life?"

"I beg your pardon?" She looked at him in disgust.

"Bear children for me so that they'll look beautiful as you." He said.

"You disgust me, sir." She scoffed and walked away, forgetting that she was supposed to head over to the room.

However, before she could even walk away, this Baron-- or she calls him arrogant shit -- held her wrist again, which caused Y/n to stop from her steps and look at the Baron. Of course, she got even angrier, especially when the weather is hot.

Draco, on the other hand, has just arrived at the Luncheon with Marc. He became Marc's plus one on the invitation for the reason that Draco thought that this event will give him a chance to get to know the young lady more.

Both the two young men went to the table, where Fatima was sitting and waving her fan at her face.

"Where's Y/n? I thought she would be here." Marc said.

"She is but she must have gone to the washing room, I suppose. But since she's taking too long, I suppose she's not."

Draco, however, felt like something was not quite right. So, he stood up from his chair and told the two that he'll find Y/n around.

He searched and searched for her around the garden, despite the heat, because he was sure that something was not right with her sudden disappearance.

When he searched around the garden, now that he knew that he wasn't there, he went inside the house to search for her. However, when he got to the hallway that leads to the washing room, he heard an argument between a man and a woman. And that is when he knew that it was her due to the sound of her voice. So he hurriedly went there and to his surprise, the man, who is Y/n speaking with, has already fallen to the floor with blood running on his nose. Y/n, however, was hissing in pain because of how hard she punched the Baron.

"How come whenever I see you with him, he's always laying on the floor? Does he love the floor that much?" Draco said jokingly, walking closer to her as she turned around to face him.

"This is only the second time you saw me with him and the second time that I have punched this git." She told. "He thinks I'm some kind of baby machine." She eyed down at the unconscious body of the Baron. "However, the problem is, I do not know what to do with him right now?"

"Are you worried that he may reveal that you punched him?" He asked.

"Yes, of course. There's no other reason than that."

"If I may ask, does he smell somehow like liquor?"

"Yes, he does. However, he's not drunk." She answered.

"Well, we can take him inside the washing room so whoever sees him may think that he has fainted from drinking a lot. But first off, we must get rid of the blood on his nose." Draco kneeled down and took the handkerchief that can be seen from the Baron's pocket and wiped off the blood. "All we have to do right now is pull him inside the washing room."


They have already placed the Baron inside the washing room. The Baron was really heavy that it made Y/n take off her shoes and pull this Baron to this room with her bare feet.

"You should head back to the garden, I'll take care of the rest," Draco stated.

"I thought we'll just drag him here." She told.

"I need to do something more so that he'll look like he truly fainted. You should get going. Your cousin might be worried."

She never let out a word and just nodded in reply, then went off.

Draco waited until her footsteps faded from the hall and closed the door when he heard no more of her clicking shoes. He took his wand out of his pocket and looked down at the man.

He wanted to make sure that this man does not bother her anymore. So, he knew that he has to do something about it. And right now, he's pointing his wand to the unconscious Baron and saying the incantation of the spell that will stop this Baron from getting closer to her.


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