𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐈 || 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

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She had just returned home and found Poppy running over her with excitement in its eyes, unaware of what its owner had been through. But Poppy could see what was wrong with her through how her eyes looked. It looks tired and sad.

"Hello, Poppy." Y/n lowered down and still managed to smile. "Is Inay already home?"

The little puppy barked in response, waggling its tail and smiling as if it forgot that its owner was distressed. This just meant that her mother, the person she wanted to speak to, was finally here.

She was nervous, yes. She had never confronted her mother about something so serious, concerning what happened to her father 12 years ago. Instead of putting her feelings aside to commemorate her father's death, all she could think was finding out what was the real reason that her father ended up dying that night.

Indeed, she knew about the reason from her cousin, but what if there was more to it? What if there were still some things her mother was hiding? The trust she used to have — the remaining trust she has for her mother — would it vanish or will it—

As soon as she opened the door to her mother's office, a feeling of satisfaction entered her dear mind as she looked at her mother looking at the corkboard that contained some sketches, fabrics, colours, and some pages of magazines.

Her mother was busy, but she did not care. She cannot wait another day to speak to her dearest Mama about her concern.

"Inay." Her once warm voice turned cold.

"Yes, dear?" Mrs Magindara spoke, but her eyes were still gazing at the board.

"Can I speak to you?" She asked nicely in order for her mother to look at her, but she never did.

"I'm sorry, dear, but I cannot face whatever your concern is today. So it shall have to wait for tomorrow."

"Can it still wait when it's about Itay?"

When she mentioned Mr Magindara, Mrs Magindara stopped her eyes from scanning the board and almost zoned out as if she felt that she heard some weird eeekk sound in her ears. She knew she hadn't talked about her husband for so many years and bringing it up just gave her a heartache. It was one of the many reasons why she tried avoiding conversations about him.

"I'm still busy, Y/n." She looked at her child, with cold eyes.

"You always are, and there will never be a time for you to speak to me about him."

"You're tired, you should get some test." Her mother said, turning back to the board.

"No!" She slammed her hand on the table, catching her mother's attention once again. "Since he was long gone with us, you never even mentioned his name to me. Is there something I should know apart from your argument with him about how you wanted to set me up on some of your wealthy friends' son?" She spat.

Her mother froze, eyes were wide and she couldn't get a word out of her mouth, and her hearing — she felt like she had become deaf. She doesn't know how her daughter found out. She doesn't know how to handle this now that she has found out.

"How did y— It is for your own good, Y/n."

"Own good?" She laughed sarcastically. "You speak of my own safety? Really? You set up with that man, who I have just known for only a month. How safe is that?" When her mother opened her mouth, she preceded her with another statement. "No wonder why you separated me and Draco because you think he wasn't good enough for me." Tears were swelling up in her eyes.

"I'm just trying to protect you." Mrs Magindara's brows furrowed, trying her best to answer any of her statements. "I do not want you to end up like I did."

"Oh, so protecting me is hurting me? And protecting me is trapping me in a loveless marriage?" 

"It won't be loveless." She approached her and held her daughter's hands. "You'll have a lot of time to know him and learn to love him. Everything will—"

"No!" Tears ran down her cheeks and took her hands away from her mother. "I had enough of becoming your puppet. I had enough of everything. All my life, I cannot even—" She paused, trying to catch some air to breathe. "It's like I cannot even cherish everything or even do what I want. You don't always even seem to be proud that I did my best to make you proud so I worked hard, I practised hard just for you to look at me."

"Y/n, listen to me."

"It was your dream to make a famous ballerina, never mine. I missed so much in my life because I had to stay in the dance room to practice!"


"Nay, tama na please!" She shouted. "Pagod na pagod na ako sa lahat." [Translation: "Mum, stop please." & "I'm very tired of everything."]


"I lost the people I love because of you!" 

Her mother stood there in silence as she looked at her daughter with guilt in her eyes.

"You never even once visited Itay's grave. You never even— tangina." And with that she stormed out, leaving her mother in tears and motionless.

She couldn't explain so much to her daughter because talking about Mr Magindara would make her cry, and in fact, those emergency meetings she had in the morning were just an excuse for her daughter not to have a single thought that she visited Mr Magindara's grave. She also knew that she had been escaping her practices just to go and visit her father. She never stopped her. There was so much that she wanted to tell her that she couldn't get enough strength to tell her. But now that her daughter had burst out, she knew it would be hard for her to explain and apologize for everything.

It's like that same night all over again when her husband died.

Wait...The same night the argument happened was the same night today.

The thought of it made her pale and her hands cold. Her husband did the same — about dashing out of the room to get some air to breathe. 

So she tried to chase her. She ran as fast as she could, and she even took her heels off her feet and reached the door, only to reach the point that her child had already driven off, leaving her mother at the entrance door and shouting her name.

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