𝐗𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐗 || 𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭

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A/n: This may be a long one><



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There was only a day left before they return to Paris, France and Draco wanted to make this vacation memorable for her. He took her out for morning walks, watched the sunrise, had dates together, and read books and newspapers as she likes. Draco knew she was fond of reading newspapers because of her father, so he would go out early in the morning to buy her a recently published newspaper.

Though, when they return back to Paris, they both agreed to keep their relationship a secret and meet at places where people won't recognize them. It was entirely Y/n's decision to do so and Draco respected it, for he knew how her mother would tear them apart if she ever happens to find out. However, they will only reveal their relationship once Y/n has gathered up all the courage to tell her dearest mama.

Tonight, Draco planned something special for her to enjoy. She once told him that it has been years since she last watched romantic movies. The last romance she ever watched was Cinderella, and she was still a child back then, believing in love, but now, Draco restored this belief of hers.

Draco set up the coffee table, placing two wine glasses, a red wine, and strawberries to eat. Tulips were also placed on a vase in the centre of the coffee table to make it romantic and special for his beloved. He doesn't really consider himself romantic, but he tried his best to become one and even read magazines or books on how to make a perfect date. It was also his first time organizing a brunch date a day ago when he asked her to be his girlfriend.

He then took out the movie named Dirty Dancing that he had just brought from the shop that he saw and placed it inside a DVD player next to the television. He hasn't seen the movie yet but he knew it would be a romantic one based on the movie poster on its container.

"Hi, Dray." Her voice rang soothingly in his ears.

Oh god, how much he wanted to call him that nickname all over again.

"What's happening here?" She questioned after she just came out of her room, all dressed up in a red oversized hoodie and comfy shorts. "Wait, should I be dressed up? Because you seemed to have planned on having a date night tonight?" She looked at the things he organized in the living room.

"No," He uttered assuredly. "You need not to dress up. I, myself, am only wearing my sleeping wear. So you need not worry. We're just going to watch, that's all." He told. "It is not much but I made this special for you."

"Oh, it's movie date night then," She grinned, walking over to the living room and letting herself rest on the couch. "What movie are we watching?"

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