39: Dream

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"Have you seen Jennie?" I asked Rosè as soon as I walked out of the classroom with Jisoo Unnie walking by my side.

The Chipmunk was standing in front of her locker room with a snack at hand.

"Unnie? I haven't seen her since her class earlier why?" She continued munching on the chocolate bar.

"Baby, do you have another one? Lisa made me soooo hungry after making me laugh so hard" I nearly choked the chickens out of her.

"What happened? Tell me!?" Rosè gave Jisoo a share of her food and looked at me, trying to get the words out of my mouth.

Like hell I would!

I glared at Unnie to not say a single soul.

Chaeyoung turned around with her back to me, knowing I won't speak.

"Jisoo, you tell me"

But of course, Jisoo Unnie was more scared of her girlfriend than she did of me.

Why would she even get scared of angel me right?

"He's a real dick and I heard he likes Jennie Unnie" My eyes widened as I just heard the information.

He is a dick yes but he likes my wife?? Now hold up, someone better be holding my bag right now. A bitch has dicks to slay.

"How'd you even get that information?" Jisoo Unnie asked as she saw me frown at the information.

"Someone overheard them earlier when classes were ongoing and heard Mr. Song asking Jennie out for coffee and they even saw Jennie Unnie smiling when he said he didn't care if it was friendly or not" My frown got deeper. But I know I needed to chill since I know Jennie can have male friends as well.

And she can laugh.

And be happy.

Nothing weird about that.

And nothing to be jealous about as well.

"She smiled when he asked her for a coffee date?" Jisoo unnie looked at me worriedly like she was scared of how I would react.

"Unnie rejected the poor man but when she was walking away she had a smile on her that made the person eavesdropping on them shocked since they rarely see Unnie smile" I shook my head.

Do not overthink about it Lisa.

There is always an explanation.

"And who was the person who saw Jennie?" Jisoo kept her questioning. She was one nosy person but I don't think Rosé was bothered by that since she was busy munching her snack.

"Sunmi, if I remember, but I'm not too sure since I was so hungry earlier" Jisoo laughed while I was behind them thinking of ways to see my baby mama.

"My baby is hungry so we need to go to the cafeteria! Lisa, come on let's go" I looked at my phone as it dinged, indicating I had a message.

"You guys can go first, I need to reply first" I nodded for them to go as I took out my phone.

The wallpaper I had was simple and gay. Rainbows. I needed to let everyone taking a peak of my phone that I was gay.

And my home screen was a picture of my woman, daehan and bam. We took it when we all had a movie night, the first time my brother met my girlfriend.

My hand touched the green icon and saw Jennie messaged me.

nini💋: Hey, I missed you, can you come to my office for lunch?

lili🥳: I was about to ask you. Will be there in a sec. Love you gorgeous💛

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