4: Dangerous Feelings

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Ms. Kim Pov

I know having feelings for my student is something forbidden but I can not easily ignore what my heart wants.

When she came inside my class it was the first time she did not greet me which made me worried because she looks like a zombie, with her dark eyes bug out.

A cute zombie.

I wanted to go near her but teenagers started filling the classroom.

I started my class without waking the sleeping beauty up. Beauty doesn't even define how gorgeous her doe eyes are, her kissable lips, and cute bangs. 

"Ma'am?" someone called from behind

I stop writing on the board and turned around to see a student raising her hand

"Yes, Ms. Jisoo?"

She let her hand fall down and began speaking

"I'm sorry to ask something so obvious but can you not see her sleeping? And why are you not scolding her?" she asked which also made me ask myself.

it's because you don't want to disturb your baby

My mind told me

I shrug it off

"It's because unlike all of you she passes my requirements without needing no person to teach her. And letting her fall asleep is one thing I could give her for being the only one to pass this class." I said and returned writing.


After my first bell rung, students started disappearing from my sight leaving only one girl.

Even though I don't want to wake her up, I need to or she'll miss out on all her classes which is not a good thing for a new person like her. I wouldn't want her failing on her other subjects.

"Ms. Manoban, wake up" I started shaking her


"Whoever that girl was in your dream is very lucky," I said trying to hide the fact that I don't want her to say the name of the girl whose plump lips was moaning. I was jealous of a girl from a dream of my student. How stupid is that? 

When I woke her up she told me the reason why she was tired and Me being somewhat already whipped to her suggested that she sleeps in my office.

I let her sleep on my couch and I told her that I will wake her up once lunch is ongoing.

As much as I want to just be a creep and watch her sleep.

I can't.

I have classes after this.

"What are you talking about?" she asked

"You were moaning in your sleep dear. Quite a lot actually" I said

I saw her blushed and ran her seemingly soft hands through her hair.

"O-oh" she blushed. I guess embarrassed? I mean who wouldn't after her teacher heard her moaning and maybe she realized that her hardness was noticeable seeing as she piled the blanket over her crotch to hide it.

Not that I mind really. 

Please don't hide it. 

"It must be the mysterious woman you keep writing about" I raised an eyebrow trying to find who that bitch was.

Damn whoever that hoe is, is lucky to have Lisa's attention.

Oh how I wish to be that person

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