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Three days have passed, Jane and I have been spending a lot of time together but we have been careful so that no one would notice anything. We talked about coming clean to our parents but nothing seemed to be happening because we've been afraid of their reaction so we decided to wait a bit.

Jane on the other side hasn't been feeling well, she's been throwing up, sleeping a lot, sometimes fall asleep in class or just get sick all of a sudden, nose bleeds, sudden headache or back pains. I'm worried about her but she's stubborn as hell, she won't go to the doctor or let anyone take her to the doctor.

I finish writing my English presentation in the school library and check for any faults, correcting my wrongs. Louis sits next to me, banging his backpack on the table, causing others to look at us.

"Man, this stupid presentation is killing me. I wanna go to college already," he complains taking his tools out.

"Thank God, I'm done so I'm just going to leave you in peace and quiet. Good luck, bro." I collect my books, pat his shoulder then I leave him complaining, I'm satisfied that I finally finished the damn presentation. It has been consuming my time and now it's over and done with. It's such a relief.

Opening the door, I am met with a sight no guy ever wishes to witness, your girlfriend kissing another guy. In this case, I see my own girlfriend kissing her other boyfriend or ex boyfriend, I am not even sure what he is anymore. The last time I checked, she was supposed to have broken up with him long ago but I guess I've been a fool all along.

They break apart on hearing the door opening and I see the embarrassment in Jane's face. I wasn't supposed to see that but I did, it happens to anyone. Only difference is that I'm not anyone, I'm Luke Williams and I am going to murder Janet Adams, she has no idea what she has just started with me. I'm pretty certain she can tell, she can't even meet my gaze, I don't blame her, I wouldn't meet my gaze either. I force a smile, stepping out of the library, closing the door behind me.

"Don't stop on my account. Pretend I'm not even here."

I am going to kill you, Janet Adams. You just wait.

"Sup man," I pat Nathan's shoulder before cupping Jane's shoulder, she shivers under my touch and I fight back the mischievous grin that's making its way to my lips. As pissed as I am at her, I could never embarrass or harass her ever, that's my girl, the love of my life, my best friend, the only girl who understands me mostly more than anyone else. She's wrong yes but we'll fix it together but I am going to kill her though.

"I'll leave you to it then. See you in class," And then I walk away, turning the corner, I take one look at them and catch Jane looking at me. I know that look very well, she's feeling regretful, everytime she's done something wrong, she always has that look, her eyes are sad and apologetic. A moment passes with me just staring at her and her staring at me, not paying a slight attention to Nathan and whatever he's saying to her.


"You think she's in love with him?" Louis asks as he takes a seat across from me. We are in the cafeteria, having our lunch, I'm not really eating as my mind is busy thinking about nothing but Jane and Nathan. I'm so pissed now that Louis wants to take this conversation further. I only told him just to get it off my chest, now he's digging deeper, opening new wounds and doubts I didn't want to have about Jane.

"I don't know, man. Can we change the subject already. I don't wanna talk about this anymore." I retort, staring at him deadpan.

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