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"Jane, hi." Says the most annoying person in the world. I hate this girl more than I hate the devil himself. She gets on my last nerve. And the fact that she and Luke were involved before me is enough to make me want to throw up. She acts like the god of the universe. God help me if she asks me about Luke.

"Hope." Erika replies instead of me.

"I'm having a party at my house tonight. You should come." She lets us know.

"Thanks, I think I'll pass."

"Come on, you'll be with me and my friends. Bring Nathan and Luke." She says, my foul mood immediately reaches its maximum point. She should've left Luke's name out of this.

"What about Nathan?"

Great, exactly what I need right now, Nathan joins the conversation the minute he reaches our spot. Someone please rescue me, take me away, far away from here.

"I was just telling Jane and Erika about my party tonight. Thought she should bring you and Luke. It'll be fun."

Nathan grins brightly at the girls. "Sure, why not? What do you say, babe?"

"Luke won't..."

"We'll be there, Hope, thank you." Erika immediately cuts me short, thank God for that. I almost sold myself out.

"Great, see you then." She forces a fake smile then walks away with her chipmunks, Leah and Anna.

"I hate this bitch." I mumble under my breath hoping no one heard me but then Erika laughs out loud, brushing my back.

"Tough luck, hun, you're going to her party tonight."

"What's the story between you and her by the way?" Nathan asks, making himself comfortable next to me. I guess he's not ghosting me anymore. I should be happy right? I mean he's my boyfriend or something, I don't know what the hell he is. I'm supposed to be happy that he's not ignoring me anymore but instead of being happy, I feel guilty. Nathan is supposed to be my perfect, lovely, handsome boyfriend but instead, my mind is full of images of my step brother, the Greek god who impregnated me and whom I can't go a day without thinking about. "You've never liked her one bit." He continues.

"She's highly too much of a princess for my liking. You'd swear Bill Gates gave birth to her."

"That's no reason to hate someone, Jane. She's done nothing to you."

"Well, I still don't like her if you're trying to get me to change my mind about that."

. . .

I don't know how I let Erika convince me to come to Hope's party. Not only do I hate the bitch, I'm not in the mood for a crowd tonight. My idea of a perfect Friday night was being cosy in my pyjamas with pizza, hot chocolate and a book in my hand on top of a giant couch in our living room. But no, Erika dragged me to hell itself.

"I don't know what I'm doing here." I tell her with a frown.

"Be cool."

"I plan to."

I notice Hope looking all kinds of sexy, making her way to us with a huge smile on her face. "Jane, Erika, so glad you could make it." She engulfs us in a group hug so tightly I wince.

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