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Luke spent the day with me at the hotel, Jaden had left this morning, my dad isn't back yet from his meetings. I guess that comes with being the owner of a construction company, you're always busy just like any owner, maybe, I'm not sure, I'm just guessing. Luke and I are watching a movie together more like a reality show because I kind of forced him to watch it with me. There is a peaceful silence around us and I bask into it because despite everything that is going on right now, being with Luke is all I could ever ask for and nothing else, nothing at all.

"Does your dad know?" Luke asks diverting my attention to him and I immediately look up at him. I shake my head slightly, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I don't think I'm ready for his reaction, I mean you saw how everything went yesterday, it was hell." I laugh lowly as I recall yesterday's events. I have never seen anything quite like it before, it was chaos unfolding at its best. My mom slapped me, she has never done that before in my entire life but yesterday she did.

"What's on your mind?"

I let out an exasperated sigh and get up to sit straight. "You know I saw a different side to my mom yesterday, a side I've never seen before. She was livid, she looked at me as if I disgusted her."

"Did she hurt you?"

I think twice before answering his question, I don't want him to hate my mom more than he already does and that is why I opt for the easiest way out and say, "No, she didn't."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, she didn't hurt me."

"Okay, and don't worry, we'll face this together, I got you." He assures me as he kisses my forehead, my heart jumps up and down my chest.

"I love your forehead kisses."

"You do?"

"You give the best forehead kisses ever and I love you."

"I love you, come here." He gathers me into his arms, resting his chin on top of my head and I cling to him for what feels like forever until a door opens forcing us to break apart. My dad makes his way inside with a paper bag in his hand and his briefcase in the other.

"Hey daddy!"

"Hello cupcake." He gives me the paper bag. "Got you your favourites, brownies."

"You're my hero." I kiss his cheek and turn to a smiling Luke who's staring at us with adoration in his eyes. "Dad, this is Luke, my um..."

"Your step brother?" They both shake hands. "Nice to meet you, son."

"You too, Mr Adams."

"Dad, there's something I need to tell you."

"Can't it wait? I need to freshen up."

"But dad..."

"I promise I'll be quick, I'm really tired."

* * *

Moments later Luke and I are sitting still in the lounge, well Luke is seated on the couch while I'm pacing up and down the lounge, I can't even think of anything other than contemplating my dad's reaction when I finally tell him the whole truth. He is definitely going to disown me that I am sure of. I am going to lose both my parents and I'm not sure I'm ready to be on my own yet, I'm eighteen, just eighteen.

THE SWEET KIND OF WRONGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant