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When we arrive home later than anticipated, we find Erika and my brother Adrian watching TV in the living room, no parents in sight. Monica probably has already left and only coming back tomorrow maybe Nicole and Roger have already retired to sleep. The look Erika gives us as we enter the living room is enough for me to know that whatever it is she knows, Janet doesn't need to know about it.

"Hey Rika! I didn't know we had a sleepover tonight." Jane muses dropping on the sofa, taking off her sandals.

"No, I didn't see you at school after the third class, I got worried."

Jane immediately waves her off, chuckling, "You won't believe what happened, Mrs Alma kicked us out of her class, we decided to drive around."

"Oh, great." Erika's eyes flicker to mine and I know she's trying to tell me something or rather get me somewhere alone.

"Let me get some juice."

"No, I'll get it for you, just stay put."

"Yes, and I'm going to help him."

"You don't have to do that, Rika."

"I need to make sure he won't try to poison you, you know how he is." She fakes a laugh. "Always pranking us."

"Come on, you guys, I'm fine really. I can do it really."

"No, I'll do it for you, just rest." I don't give her time to protest, I immediately drag my ass to the kitchen with Erika following closely behind me in a hurry. "What's going on?" I ask lowly as soon as we're out of Jane's sight.

"Someone saw you and Jane kissing in the parking lot."

"What, where?"

"At school. Louis sent me this, he got it from an unknown number earlier this afternoon." She shows me a picture of Jane and I kissing in my car. Whoever took this picture had to be that close because it's clear as snow, anyone can tell it's us. Shit. Exactly what I need right now.

"Fuck... Jane doesn't need this right now," I mumble to myself under my breath.

"No she doesn't."

"Who could've taken it? There was no one in the parking that time."

"My guess, maybe a student."

"Maybe, but who?"

"Your guess is as good as mine. Why would guys be careless? In your car, really, Luke. If this photo gets in the wrong hands, you're done with, both of you."

"It just happened, Erika. We got caught up in the moment, I got caught up in the moment."


"Why you're getting mad at me? If you were in my shoes, you wouldn't have cared. I'd just felt my baby kicking for the first time today. At that moment, I wouldn't even have noticed the president himself if he came. I was just..."

"The baby kicked?"

"Yes, the baby kicked. Now you know why I didn't even think."

"Yeah, clearly." She coos dramatically, rolling her eyes. "What are we gonna do about this?"

"I don't know but Jane can't know about it."

"I know, I know, the last thing she needs is stressing about this."

"Go back to her, I'll bring the juice."


. . .

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