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Everyone walks into the dojo, but stops when they say Robby there. Rory immediately lets her face fall into her hands.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hawk shouts as he walks towards the guy and Rory follows him.

"Hold on there." Kreese stops him. "Mr. Keene is our guest."

Rory sighs as she watches Hawk and Kreese walk into the office. She looks at Robby before he walks into the back room. Rory and Tory look at each other before following him.

"Quitting already?" Tory asked him.

"Never joined in the first place." he says. "I don't belong here."

"Oh, so you're running away?" Tory questions. "That worked out well for you last time."

He looks over at Rory before changing his attention back to Tory. "I'm not running away."

"I hated you for what happened to Miguel, you know. I hated Sam LaRusso. I hated everyone." Tory says.

"Um, I'm offended." Rory says.

"Not you." Tory nudges her before getting back to her point. "I hated myself the most. But I didn't have the luxury of running away. Sensei Kreese taught me that if you take all that hate... and you channel it... it makes you stronger. And it feels good."

Tory looks at her friend and Rory nods. "A bunch of us are getting together after class. You should come. I know a certain someone who would be happy if you did." Tory walks out.

"Who is this certain someone?" Robby walks towards the girl.

"Nobody you know." Rory smiles.

Robby pulls the girl to him by her waist, but she quickly steps back. "Hawk is right out there, Robby. I need more time to break things off, ok?"

"Ok." he says before kissing the girl's cheek.


"Ok, we've got one shot at this. Quick, in and out, we'll be good." Hawk says. "You know what you gotta do?"

"Hell yeah." Kyler tells him.

"Alright, sweet—" Hawk stops as Robby approaches.

"Someone took their sweet ass time." Tory says.

"Almost thought you weren't coming." Rory smiles at him.

"You guys invited him?" Hawk asks.

"We did. Why? You got a problem with that?" Tory asks.

Hawk turns towards Rory. "What? He's new. I'm helping him out."

"Don't help him out." Hawk tightens his grip on her waist.

"Stop." Rory whispers. "That hurts. Get off, Hawk."

Rory groans as she pushes his arm off of her before walking over to Tory. Robby immediately looks at the girl, but she shakes her head 'no', telling him not to say or do anything.

"Here you go, Keene." Kyler hands him a beer.

"I'm good." Robby tells him.

"What, you can't handle a sip of beer?" Hawk asks.

"No, I just don't need a drink to pretend to be cool." Robby tells him.

"Yeah, that's funny." Hawk starts walking towards him, but Rory's voice stops him.

"Are we doing this or what?" she asks. "These mosquitoes are getting annoying."

Tory holds up the fence to let everyone go through. "Come on, Rory."

GOOD HEART, BAD TEMPER - keene, robbyWhere stories live. Discover now