chapter 5

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I wanted to drop Gift at our neighbor’s  house, but he won’t stay, so I decided to take him along with me.

I arrived at the office as early as 5:00am; the whole place was still very dark. The security guy opened the gate for me after I told him about the meeting between my boss and some delegates.

I switched on the office light, lay Gift on the long sofa in the office and then started cleaning the place. Gift slept off earlier on our way to the office, and considering how far our house is from the office, my hands hurt alot.

I finished cleaning and arranging the office at exactly 5:56am; I was exhausted, so I sat on the office couch and slept off.

For some unknown reason I felt relaxed, and that caused me to sleep off. I didn’t know how long I slept, I just know that I felt good sleeping in his office. When I opened my eyes I saw Mr Micah sitting on his office seat; he was writing down some things on a paper.

I guessed he was preparing the documents for his meeting in few hours. The more I watched him work, the more I couldn’t resist taking more peeps at him. Mr micah is 9 years older than me; I am currently 18 and he is 27 years old.

“what are you staring at” he asked.
I was shocked he noticed me staring; I had thought that he was too focused on his work to even notice that I was awake.

He looked up and his gaze shifted from his work to me; I was so shy and so couldn't stare at him.

“me? I wasn’t staring at you, sir” I said.

He gave me the very look that is given to one who is lying; I guess he caught me red handed and my pretence won't do.  I looked up and saw a painting above his head, on the wall.

"Who said I was looking at you, I was only staring at that" I said and pointed at the well illustrated gallery.

He turned to face the gallery, he looked at it, and then back at me; then he stool up, leaned on his table with his hands inside his pocket.

“oh, then tell me what you like about the painting” he said.

I looked at the painting, but couldn’t tell what I liked. It was the painting of a naked African woman.

I just couldn’t place why a business man would choose to display a naked picture of a woman on his office wall. It felt racist, and cheap to me, but telling him that will definitely get me to loose my job.

“I love the natural beauty of the woman, and how much she self appreciates herself. She had folds on her stomach as a result of child bearing, stretch marks on her laps; coupled with her fallen breasts.

Most women will hide those memories and time caused effects inside their clothes, but the simple minded, gorgeous woman decided to flaunt her flaws while retaining her smile.

I love her courage more than anything” I told him.

He just looked at me, but said no words. I wanted to ask him why he had the picture there, but I couldn’t just do that.

“whatsoever his reasons are, it’s all his business” I thought.

"Ummm, is that enough reason for her to unclan herself and make pictures out of it; self appreciation can be done in other ways other than showing your nakedness to the world," he said

Thinking about her said, it is right, but then that doesn't change the fact that the world won't buy the idea; nakedness is now considered to be a form of body empowerment.

"One can also project themselves as hot and sexy without having to dress like a lot, or unclaning themselves in public, or don't you think so? He asked.

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