25. Time's Up

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Song: Last Kiss by Taylor Swift (Taylors Version)
Episode: 3x16

I was hanging out in the living room reading up on demon deals, something I've done for the millionth time, when I noticed that I hadn't seen Sam and quite some time. 

"You know what Sam's up to?" I wondered to Dean, eyes still in my book.

"I'll go find him." Dean said in a serious tone. 

I watched him walk out of the room and I sighed. There was way too much tension going around for me, especially since these are Deans final hours. After a couple minutes, I started to hear Deans voice raise from the basement. I was concerned and looked up from my book to listen. I couldn't make out any specific words though. Suddenly there were banging noises and I knew a fight had broken out.

"Aw shit Sammy, what did you do now?!" I screamed as I sprinted to the basement.

When I got down there though, I saw Ruby kicking the shit out of Dean and Sam on the ground off to the side. My instincts brought every detail of the room to my eyes, and I saw a glimpse of a red demon trap on the ceiling. She went for another kick and just as she hit his stomach I plowed into her. Both Dean and Ruby went flying. Ruby hit the wall just beside Dean and right below the trap. I jogged up to her hoping to get another hit in before she turned back around, but she was fast, and placed a hard punch on my nose. I didn't allow myself any reaction time, and immediately threw another one back at her. She flipped around, I grabbed her hair and smashed her head into the wall. As I did I quickly grabbed the demon knife strapped to her leg. I walked over to Dean and helped him stand up while she turned around. We were both chuckling as I did so and Ruby stood confused. 

"What the hell are you two grinning at?" She asked angry.

"Missing something?" I pulled out the knife and grinned at her.

I then passed it to Dean and winked at him.

"I'll kill you, you bitch." She started to lunge at us, but was ultimately stopped.

She tried again but still could not move, and realized what had happened to her before she even looked up. 

"Like I said, I knew you'd come." Dean said once she looked back at us.

We started walking away.

"Wait?! You're just gonna leave me here?"

"Let's go, Sam." Dean said starting to climb the stairs.

Sam got up and followed us.

"Oh. Oh, so you're just too stupid to live, is that it? Then fine. You deserve hell. And I wish I could be there, Dean. I wish I could smell the flesh sizzle of your bones I WISH I COULD BE THERE TO HEAR YOU SCREAM!!!"

"Yeah, and I wish you'd shut your pie hole, but we don't always get what we want."

Once we got to the top of the stairs, Dean and I stopped, while Sam kept going towards the living room.

"That was hot." He held my arm.

"I know." I grinned and placed my lips on his.

After a few minutes of rest, we got back to work in the living room. Cleaning and packing weapons. Apparently it's my only hobby now a days. Occasionally I would look up at the two men and try to determine what they were feeling. Dean looked calm, too calm for my liking. But just looking at Sam's face, I could tell he was about to say something. I hoped it wouldn't start an argument. 

"We're just gonna let Ruby rot down there?" Sam asked. I detected a hint of guilt.

"That's the idea." Dean answered.

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