Chapter 53

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I apologize for the long wait. I rewriten this chapter so many times and experimented with different scenes to make things fit and tada! It's longer than expected but it is needed.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Holy shit!" Kenny gaped, stepping backward away from the outlaw as far as possible. His twin sister, on the other hand, approached the brunette without fear.

"Oh, dear! You must be Eren!" She gushed over him with starry eyes. "Levi's been begging for you! Also, I'm a huge fan of your work!"

"Kuchel! What the fuck are you doing?!" Kenny grabbed his sister by the arm and dragged her away from the raging brunette. It's a miracle that Rogue didn't draw his gun right there and shoot them right in their faces.

"Are you just going to let your nephew through this?!" Eren exploded. "Didn't you hear that Lynna will drop you both off to the authorities along with me after this?!"

Eren had been trailing, they didn't know that he was right there at their backs. He tried to mask his scent so that his mate won't notice him. He had a plan in mind, as much as he wanted Levi free and back to his side, safe and sound, Eren had to go through this plan. No matter how much he wanted to shoot Kenny and Kuchel right there as well as Levi's mother, he mustn't. These people are still Levi's family and as stupid as it sounded, Eren still wanted to at least impressed them to have their approval.

Kenny and Kuchel both sighed in defeat.

"Yes, we heard," Kenny replied. "But there's nothing we can do about it."

"Big sis will just keep calling for us with her Omegan voice, it's stupid but our instincts bend to it because were the younger siblings," Kuchel further explained.

"Honestly, we don't want to kidnap our nephew after seeing how happy he is with you, and damn, I couldn't get prouder that Levi got his lease on you," Kenny snickered.

Eren should be offended at how Kenny choose to describe him in his relationship with Levi but the outlaw nodded. Yep, he's Levi's loyal dog alright, and Eren's more than happy to let the whole world know as well as if anyone tries to hurt his master, Eren would rip their heads off.

"We can't go against Lynna," Kenny admitted. "Especially if she ordered us with her Omegan voice to kill you.

Eren shook his head. He knew he could easily win even if both of them go against him. But.

"I don't want to kill the both of you. Levi will be devastated," Eren added. If his mate hated his relatives then he shouldn't have stopped the brunette from shooting Kenny in the first place.

"He will?" Kuchel awed. "My dear nephew. I knew I was right when I choose him as my favorite," she nodded to herself.

"But didn't you claim 10 years ago that Mikasa was your favorite?" Kenny skeptical arched a brow at his sister.

"That was a long time ago!" Kuchel hissed at him.

"Can we focus here for a moment!" Eren growled at them.

Finally, the two's attention were back on him again. "Sorry, Rogue. We can't help you on this one," Kuchel shot him an apologetic smile.

"Lynna could order us to hurt Levi if she wanted to. That bitch perfected her Omegan voice to manipulate us," Kenny added.

Eren glared at them. And here he thought they could help each other, his plan that Levi would see him working together with his relatives was now trash. Not that he needed assistance in the first place but he knew that Levi would be happy if Eren would get along with his relatives.

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