Chapter 16

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Choi mansion

Min ho has almost completed his special dish and other three are talking about kids just than Divi Rupal and Jimin enter in the house...

Suzy : You all came...

Divi : No our ghost has came...

Su ho and Yoona are confused seeing Divi's behavior towards Suzy just than Min ho also came in living room...

Min ho : When did you all come ?

Jimin : Just now uncle...

Min ho : Good... Kids meet Mr. Kim Su ho and Mrs. Kim Yoona...

Divi/Rupal/Jimin : Hello....

Yoona : Hello... You all are also in Seoul University right...

Divi : Yes aunty but how do you know ?

Yoona : I am the trustee of Seoul University...

Rupal : But isn't Seoul University come under Kim industry...

Su ho : Yepp and I am the owner of Kim industry...

Suzy : You all go and freshen up till than I guess Su ho and Yoona's kids will also arrive with their friends and they also study in Seoul University...

Three of them agree and go upstairs to freshen up... Yoona asked Suzy and Min ho why Divi talk little rudely with Suzy... They both gave them sad smile...

Suzy : It's because of me Yoona everything is change between me and Divi from past one year she is like this to me... I am glad that she still call me mom and atleast talk to me little but I don't know when I will get my daughter back...

Yoona : Don't worry Suzy everything will be alright and I have a feeling that soon she will be the girl which was one year back...

Su ho : Yeah guys just keep hope and try but I think take slow steps not...

Min ho : Hope so Su ho I still regret we should have been more in her life than busy in our works...

Suzy : We can't change anything now Min ho but we can solve our mistake... let's keep everything on dining area others may come in few minutes I guess...

They moved towards dining area and Suzy and Yoona went to kitchen to see if anything is missing or not...

Divi's room

Rupal : Divi are you okay ?

Divi : Yeah guys what will happen to me...

Jimin : Yeah nothing can happen to you but Divi you shouldn't talk like that with Suzy aunty...

Divi : Guys please I don't want any discussion in this matter...

Rupal : Okay don't get angry now let's go...

Others also reached there and they were with Min ho and Su ho in living room...

Mi So : Thank you uncle for calling us for dinner even you don't know about us much...

Min ho : No problem... even my daughter and her two friends are here so thought to call you so you all can spent some time and will not get bored with this old people...

Su ho : Who did you call old ? look at yourself in mirror you look old not me...

Min ho : Check your eyesight Su ho you have white hairs on your head if you want I can make appointment with no. 1 eye specialist...

Su ho : I don't need to go to doctor... look at your face you look old...

Suzy : Min ho stop your teasing Su ho and come dinner is served...

Jungkook : Finally someone said this... guys if you all don't want to have food right now than it's okay but I am very hungry... 

Min ho : Jungkook you should have told me first let's go and I am sure you will like my special dish...

Listen to special dish Jungkook's eyes were shinning and he almost drag Min ho to dining area...

Su ho : RIP to Jungkook's stomach...

Taehyung : Dad why did you said that... I am sure Min ho uncle in not that bad cook...

Esha : Yeah I can't wait to see what Min ho uncle had made...

Suzy : Only me and Su ho know how good cook he is...

They all move towards dining area when Esha bumped with Rupal...

Rupal : Sorry sorry... Esha you here...

Esha : You all here...

Taehyung Seo joon and Mi So also sees them...

Divi : Guys you all are here... How did you know we are here ?

Taehyung : Miss Red Chili we are not interested to know where you live...

Divi : I didn't ask you Mr. Weirdo...

Rupal : But guys you all here and where is Jungkook ?

Esha : He already went with Min ho uncle...

Divi : Where he went with dad ?

Taehyung/Esha/Mi So/Seo joon : Dad ?

Divi : Yeah guys Choi Min ho is my dad...

Yoona : Kids come fast food will be cold...

Taehyung : Coming mom...

Divi/Rupal/Jimin : Mom ?

Esha : Yeah she is mine and Taehyung's mom and Kim Su ho is our father...

Jimin : In short Divi's parents are friends of Su ho uncle and Yoona aunty...

Seo joon : If they are friends than how come you three didn't know about each other...

Before Divi can say anything they all were called again for dinner so they decided to talk after dinner... They move toward dining area to see everything is placed on table and it really looks good, after seeing the food they realize how hungry they were because they didn't eat anything after lunch...

Jungkook : Divi Rupal and Jimin you all are here...

Divi : Yepp it's my house...

Jungkook : Wow I never thought we all will meet like this again...

Suzy : You all know each other form earlier...

Rupal : Yes few days back we all met at college and today at evening also...

Yoona : That's good you all know each other little you all can spend some time and will not get bored...

Mi So : Yes aunty and we all have decided to get to know each other so will all spend some time after dinner...

Min ho : That's good kids... Divi take them to terrace you will enjoy there most...

Divi : Okay dad but now let's eat...

Min ho : Yeah even I made my special dish...

Listening to this Divi Rupal and Jimin are shocked and see Suzy giving them sorry look... They all settled themselves and started eating...

Min ho : Jungkook you take this special dish first...

He served that dish to Jungkook and all looking at him only specially Su ho, Suzy, Divi, Rupal and Jimin...

Min ho gets a call so excused himself and Jungkook take the first bit of that dish


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