Chapter 45

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Divi looked shocked after reading the paper, few minutes passed still she didn't said anything so Taehyung asked her...

Taehyung : Divi what happened ? Why are you looking shocked ?

Divi looked at Taehyung and hand him the paper...

Jungkook : Taehyung what is it ?

Taehyung : Soo Jin aunty has written this...

Rupal : Read it...

Seo joon,

              If you are reading this letter than it means something has happened to me or I am no more in this world... I want to tell something which will change your life completely I know I should have told you earlier but I don't have enough courage to say truth to you, and even if I try to tell you or anyone else about it than it will risk their life also that's why I wrote this letter...Seo joon you are not my son, Yes you read it right you are not my son but Min ho and Suzy's son and Divi's twin brother.... They thought that you are dead because they found a baby body fully burned... We have adopted you from an orphanage when you were of 1 and half years old, first we didn't know that who you were but after 3 years we came to know who you are and I came to know you are son of Suzy whom I know from my college day even though we were in different departments still our friendship was good but we lost contact after we graduate.... Me and your dad decided to tell the truth to Choi family but before we could go there....The person came to know about this and he killed your dad showing that it was accident.... I thought that person wanted revenge from us that's why all this happened but no that person wanted revenge from Choi's family and that person is not alone because no one can do all this things one hand and that person kept his eyes on us every now and then it was not safe for you there also and after few days I came to know that our business is not doing good so I handle the business and that time we met Su ho and Suzy... You Taehyung and Esha became good friends and were always with each other and soon Jungkook and Mi So also became your friend you all were inseparable... That time I thought if your real parents would be here they will be so happy but I can't say anything because if I did than he will kill them also... Please take care of yourself, your friends and your real family they need you... I am sorry son that I didn't tell you earlier about this I am sorry but I never faked my love towards you... I always loved you like my own son remember that....

Your Mom.....

Taehyung, Jungkook and Rupal were shocked reading the letter and Seo joon and Divi both were crying... Divi was crying because that her brother had to suffer this much and she knows how much her brother loves Soo Jin aunty, and finally she came to know that Seo joon is really her brother and Soo Jin knows about it...

Seo joon was not crying but was in shocked totally...

Taehyung put his hand on Seo joon's shoulder...

Taehyung : Seo joon...

Seo joon looked at him and hugged Taehyung tightly...

Seo joon : Why Taehyung why... Why I was separated from my real family even if I was I did get the love of family by you all and mom... but that person came to know and killed dad and I always thought that it was accident and mom knew everything and I can't do anything she suffer so much... Taehyung even she didn't have any relation with that person who has don all this than also... 

Taehyung : Relax Seo joon we will not leave that person who did all this with you, Soo Jin aunty and your real family...

Jungkook : Taehyung is right Seo joon we all are with you remember that...

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