Chapter 64

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Next morning our love birds were sleeping in each others arms but it seems like the sun doesn't want them to sleep more now...

The sun rays disturb Divi's sleep because of it she wake up...

Divi open her eyes and Taehyung's face came in front of her and a smile came of her face seeing Taehyung sleeping like cute baby... She was admiring him for few minutes and kissed him on his forehead...

She carefully came out of his arms and look around the room indeed it was a beautiful room, Taehyung have made this room like really their room taking both of their likes and dislikes in the room...

As it was early in the morning and Divi having habit of waking early it was not difficult but our dear Taehyung was sleeping...

Divi was going to get out of the bed when Taehyung pulled her on him...

Divi : Taehyung you are not sleeping ?

Taehyung : Nope...

Divi : And why did you pull me like this ?

Taehyung : Because you are leaving me alone...

Divi : But I'm not going anywhere just going to the balcony...

Taehyung : Still you can't go leaving me like this when we are here...

Divi : Fine but leave me now...

Taehyung wrapped his hands around Divi and pulled her closer to him...

Taehyung : Not in mood to leave you...

Divi : Than when will you have the mood to leave me...

Taehyung : Umm let me think...

Taehyung make a face of thinking while Divi put her chin on his chest and looked at him lovingly...

Taehyung : How about never ?

Divi : Crazy...

Taehyung : I'm serious I never want to leave you...

Divi : I know even I don't want to leave you...

Both of them were looking at each other, Taehyung kiss her on her forehead and hugged her... They stay in each others arms for few minutes when Divi broke the hug and get out from the bed...

Divi : Taehyung we should go now everyone will wake up soon and if they didn't find us...

Taehyung : Than nothing will happen they know we are a couple so it's okay...

Divi : Taehyung wake up...

Taehyung : Noo let me sleep for some more time and you also sleep...

Divi : Taehyung get up...

Taehyung : Noooo....

Divi : Taehyung last time I'm saying to you get out from the bed...

Taehyung : And last time I'm saying no...

Saying this Taehyung act to close his eyes and sleep but Divi didn't say anything, Taehyung waiting for few minutes but still Divi didn't say anything and suddenly.......





Divi had empty the whole bucket of water on Taehyung... Taehyung got up being drenched in water and his face was shocked... Here Divi was laughing seeing his face...

Divi : Hahaha now you got up Taehyung...

Saying this Divi ran from there and Taehyung realized what Divi said  and he started running behind her...

Taehyung : Divi stop running otherwise it won't be good for you when I catch you...

Divi : You can't catch me Taehyung...

Taehyung : I will take my revenge when I catch you Divi...

They both were running in the living area now, Divi was one side of  the sofa while Taehyung on other... Both were running around the sofa and at one point Taehyung was going to catch her but Divi didn't let her get caught...

Divi : I told you Taehyung you can't catch me...

Taehyung : You.....

Taehyung again try to catch Divi but she tricked and ran away from him, Divi started running but this time she went near pool side...

Taehyung : Divi stop running you will fall...

Divi : Nothing will happen.... Ahhhhh...

Taehyung : DIVI.....

Taehyung came near pool side and started laughing seeing the scene in front of him...

Taehyung ( laughing ) : Hahahaha what happened Divi ?

Divi glared at him which didn't affect him but started laughing more...

Divi : It's all because of you...

Taehyung : What's my fault that you fell into pool...

Divi : If you didn't ran behind me that I would not fell in the pool simple...

Taehyung ( Laughing ) : If you didn't throw water that too full bucket of water than I would not ran behind you simple as that...

Divi : Taehyung.....

Taehyung : Fine come out now...

Taehyung bend little and gave his hand to Divi to come out, Divi take his hand but but but she pulled him into the pool...

Taehyung didn't realized what happened when Divi pulled him in pool... Now it was Divi's turn to laugh and Taehyung came near to Divi after coming up form water... 

Taehyung glared at Divi because it was second time he was drenched because of her... Divi stop laughing seeing him glaring but couldn't stop his giggle... Taehyung came more near to Divi and started tickling her...

Taehyung : Now laugh common laugh...

Divi ( Laughing ) : Taehyung stop hahah stop please hahahah...

Taehyung : No you were laughing right now laugh...

Divi : Hahahah stop please Taehyung hahahah...

Taehyung : Say Taehyung you are the most handsome man and you are hot also and loving boyfriend...

Divi ( Laughing ) : Nooooo.....

Taehyung : Than sorry I'm not stopping....

Taehyung continue tickling her and Divi was continuously laughing saying him to stop but Taehyung pretend that he didn't hear anything...

Divi : Okay fine I'm saying hahahah.....

Taehyung : Say fast otherwise I will not stop tickling you...

Divi : Taehyung you are so hot and most handsome and also loving boyfriend...

Taehyung : Good...

Taehyung stop tickling her and picked her up in his arms and twirl her around in the pool, Taehyung smile hearing her giggle Divi moved her hand in the pool when Taehyung was twirling her...

They both came out of the pool...

Taehyung : Let's get change and leave before anyone realize that we are not in Choi mansion...

Both smile at each other and started getting ready to leave...


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