Chapter 54

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Everyone was getting angry and sad, Seo joon came towards Divi and hugged her and finally she cried her heart out... Rupal was silently crying seeing her bestfriend like this again, Jimin side hug Rupal and other's don't know what to say...

Divi : Seo joon they are never give me proper food... They kept me in darkness...

Seo joon : Divi Ssshhh your brother is here now... your brother will be there to protect you now okay...

Divi : Why Taehyung is left Seo joon ? He said that he will be with me...

Seo joon : Divi he said he will be with you huhh than stop crying he is angry that's why he went away...

Divi : But Seo joon he said he will not leave me... I know he is angry but please call him back...

Jimin : Divi he is angry and hurt that's why he left because in anger he will say something which can hurt you...

Seo joon : Yes Divi that's why Taehyung went away...

Divi : No Seo joon please call him... He will leave me... he doesn't want me now right ?

Mi So : No Divi you are thinking wrong... Taehyung can never do that...

Divi ( Crying ) : No Taehyung doesn't want me... He left me... He walked away...


Taehyung's side

Taehyung was driving his car, he was angry, hurt and sad... Every time he close his eyes Divi's crying face comes in front of him... He remember how Divi cried whenever she had nightmares...

Finally he stop the car and came outside, he was angry on that person who did all this to his Shona... In anger he hit on his car window and his hand started bleeding, small glass pieces got stuck in his hand...

Taehyung : Why she has to go from all this... What she did to anyone nothing right... She never thought to hurt some intentionally or unintentionally... I will not leave that person who did this to you Divi... I swear I will not leave that person...

Taehyung sat there for few minutes after that he decided to go back because his Shona will need him... So settled himself in car and went back...

Our place

Everyone was silent no one spoke a word because they are still in shock and why not no one had ever thought that Divi will receive a slap and that too from

Rupal had slap Divi and Divi was still in shock from the gift she received from her bestfriend Rupal... Her one hand was on the cheek...

Rupal : Shut up Divi just shut up... Why are you thinking that Taehyung left you huhh why you think that he will let you go again in that darkness ? Do you think that he doesn't love you after listening to that ? Do you not trust you Taehyung ? Don't you have faith in your love ? Why are you silent now huhh ?

Divi didn't say anything just stood there silently tears were flowing from her eyes and when at last Rupal asked her again she just shake her head...

Rupal came forward and hug her tightly and Seo joon also hugged her from side other also joined them...

Seo joon : Divi let's go to your room rest for sometime...

Divi : But Taehyung ?

Jungkook : Divi don't worry we are there... we will find him...

Esha : Yeah and we will drag him by his ear...

Mi So : Yes how dare he left from here without saying anything we all will punish him...

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