Chapter 43

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Jules POV:

I've finally finished all of my cleaning. I swear Ansley made me work harder than most of the people here. But all honesty...i'm actually excited about tonight. A sleepover with all my housemates...sounds pretty fun if you really think about it.

I'm in Anne and I's dorm room with Ced and we are getting ready for tonight. It's around 4pm and I haven't spoken or seen Oliver since I left this morning. I hope he's having fun.

"Should we wear PJs to this or like regular clothing?" Anne asked, going through her clothes.

"Well it is a i'm going to say Pjs." Ced said from my bed.

I was going through my clothes trying to find what I should wear.

"I was asking J, not you."

"Public opinion" He said.

"I swear you two are going to get married." I said walking into the bathroom.

They both stopped their movement. I noticed it was quiet all of a sudden so I turned around to look at the two. They were just standing there with wide eyes at me.

"Relax, it was just a goodness." I laughed off and proceeded to the bathroom.

The two continued talking but I chose to dose off and not join it. Im looking at myself in the mirror and im just playing with a few strands of my hair. I wanna stop by and see Oliver before the sleepover, just to say hi and pop in...yeah that seems like a good idea.

I think I should just stop by and say hi to him around 5:30...yeah 5:30 sounds good to me. I walked out the bathroom and started to put on my shoes.

"Okay i'm going to go on a little walk to the library before this sleepover thing...sometime to clear my head"

Anne looked up at me and stopped what she was doing, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah do you need to talk about something?" Ced chimed in.

"I love you guys, no. I just wanted to catch up on some light reading because I feel like I haven't read in a while. Then I was going to stop by the Gryffindor Common Room to check in on Olls, then I was going to come back and get ready. Just keep myself active I guess."

"Um okay, well have fun!" Anne said then continued what she was doing.

"Bye." I said and exited out the room.

I headed down the stairs and oddly enough the Common Room was almost close to empty. Just some first or second years talking on the couch otherwise it was empty.

I walked past and exited the Common Room. While walking down the Corridor I passed Mac, "Hey Earnie, eventful day?"

"Eventful and exciting, see you tonight." He said and we walked past one another. I kept walking and thinking to myself while I was on my way to the library.

Eventually I reached my destination, honestly the Corridors were not as empty as the Common Room but empty enough to recognize. I walked into the library and accidently hit someone causing their books to fall over.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry- Hermione?" I bent down to help pick up her books.

"Oh no worries Jules, too many books to carry, should've put them back one by one instead of all at once."

I started to stack the books in my arms to lessen her load. "Is it just you here?" I asked.

Madam Pince snapped in our direction "SH!"

I just rolled my eyes.

"Did you honestly think Harry or Ron would willingly come here with me? You're very funny Jules."

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