Chapter 45

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Jules POV:

What needs to be done can be needed tomorrow. I just want to have fun with my favorite people. I can be sad tomorrow but, in the meantime, I'm going to be happy tonight because I deserve it.

It's so funny that this is what I've come to. After so many years of having a crush on him, I finally got the boy I've wanted, and now I'm about to end it because another girl wants him. I mean it's not funny but it is.


I wanted this boy so bad and now I finally have him just to give him up because another girl wants him?

Now what would that say about me? That I'm weak? When the pressure got too much I left? Im stronger and better than that. He is mine, Bell isn't going to win in this round I refuse to let that happen, why end it because of something that can be fixed.

I know that if I do this, I may not be able to get him back if I do leave. I guess these things I never really thought of.

"Jules!" Anne snapped her fingers in front of me.

I jerked out of my trance and looked at her, "What?" I asked.

"Are you okay? We've been saying your name for the past 3 minutes." I look around at my surroundings and suddenly the group is looking at me.

Has it really been three minutes...huh.

"Where are you ready to play, are you? " Mac asked. I nodded my head, and then Ansley and Rickett opened the door and we left. Me and Anne parted with the group.

"Hey are you alright? Wanna talk about it now?" Anne asked while we were walking.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'll tell you sometime tonight when we're not playing tag." and playing tag is what we did.

I never have been with my house, or this many people from my house for this long. It's actually really fun. I'm glad everyone is having fun too, it's not just us older kids but first and second years are having a good time too.

Tag lasted a good 20 mins but then Professor Sprout got mad at us for being out late. Currently speaking, she's talking to us right now from the staircase.

"Now I don't want to catch anymore Hufflepuffs outside of the Common Room. If I catch anyone else out of this room tonight, all the years 1-7 will be in detention. Not just any detention, no, you all will be in the gardens doing yard work. Have I made myself clear?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Professor Sprout." We all said monotone.

"Excellent, now you all have a fun rest of your night, just please keep it in here." She then walked down the stairs and left.

"Well, that was fun." Brooke said with sarcasm in her tone. We looked to Anthony to see what we were doing next.

"How about we relax and chat for a bit. Then I can think of something fun to do here. Sit tight in the meantime." He then turned to Ansley and they went into a discussion.

Should I give up on Oliver and me? I'm at a standstill at the moment. I could just fix it with him and be happy again. Or what if this never gets resolved and he leaves me for her. But then again, I love him way too much to just let him go.

I know someone who broke up with her boyfriend over the Summer Holiday. It's been about 6 months and she still regrets the decision and he doesn't want her back. If I break up with Oliver, what happens if he doesn't want me back? I'll just be miserable.

I don't want to be miserable.

"What's on your mind J?" Ernie's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Just thinking about what those two could possibly be thinking of to do next, since we've been booted to the Common Room." I replied.

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