<Chapter 13>

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As I'm searching around the top, I hear Bee com in but it was all static "Aut—bots— Re—-esting—- back—- position."

Strongarm and Drift com next clear as a bell "Strongarm to Drift and ShiverTooth. Did you receive that last com from Bumblebee?"

"We did, though we could not understand it. I assume he was simply checking on our status. What about you, ShiverTooth?"

I respond "I did and I'm guessing the same. He asked about positions from what I could hear. I'm still outside like I was asked. What about you guys?"

Strongarm responds "We're the same."

"Us too. Signing off for now." Drift replies.

"Me too. Strongarm out." The cadet coms.

I sit against a rock wall and close my eyes "A quick nap wouldn't hurt..."

Soon enough however, I hear a voice I didn't recognize. "Ooh, what a find. And it's still operational!!" I stand up off the rocks and look over to see a dark purple scorpion bot. "I'm going to be known all over the galaxy!!"

I call out "Who are you though?"

He turns to me and asks, "Who are you?"

"I asked first." I respond.

He growls "Paralon. And you?"


He asks, "What do you say about joining me and my my crew of relic hunters seeing as you're a fellow decepticon."

I see Sideswipe behind him and flash my wing lights. He flashes his headlights in response, understanding and I say to him "Yeah, sure, I don't see why not?" I go to shake his hand and he holds his out, but I grab it and use my power energy to throw him back. I look down and see a red minicon calm down after seeing me. "Hi, there. What's your name?" I ask lightly as Sideswipe gets to fighting the decepticon.

The mini answers "Buzzstrike. I had assumed you were someone else at first. I apologize..."

"All good." I say.

The decepticon calls up "Don't just stand there, Buzzstrike!! Attack them!!!"

Buzz answers "I'm sorry for this but it keeps me out of trouble." He transforms into a battle axe and lands in my servo then throwing a massive spike of energy through me and taking me over.

"Woah!!" I say as he has me run down the hill "Sideswipe!! Look out!!" Buzzstrike swings himself over Sideswipe as he ducks backwards.

"I don't know how to help without hurting you!!"

"Focus on Paralon! I'll find a way!" I say to him. I start controlling myself and send a burst of energy to my servos, making him jump out of my hands and transform, falling weak against the ground.

"How.... Did you..... do that?" He asks.

I bring out my hunter and swing it. I fight against the minicon while Swipe fights the bigger bot. We get them to a standstill with Paralon knocked out and Buzzstrike transforms, landing in Paralon's hand, then lifting his body up to stand.

We both step back. "Okay, freaky." Sideswipe whines.

Buzzstrike says "You can keep the weapon we found, autobots, if you let us walk out of here."

Sideswipe replies "How about if I keep the weapon and take you down? Because that's the only way this ends."

I stop them "Wait! No. Let them go. Buzzstrike, take Paralon away. We don't want to fight anymore."

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