<Chapter 16>

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No perspective
Over with the autobots, Russel calls out "Hey guys. How was Egypt? And did you find ShiverTooth?" 

Bumblebee answers "We didn't find ShiverTooth but our mission was a big success." Grimlock treads through with his costume on and the massive item they found. 

Sideswipe states "Souvenir, from the pyramids!"

 Fixit exclaims "This is indeed the relic— lic—lic—lic—lic— the satellite imagery located." 

Drift remarks "It had to be dug from the sand, of which there was a great deal..." 

Grimlock asks "Where do you want this thing, Denny? Over here?" He begins swinging it "Or over here?"

Fixit says "Caution please! We have yet to identify the relic and it's capabilities!" 

"Sorry!" Grim calls out.

Drift says "Students, I require clean grease for my pistons."

 They eject and Jetstorm says "Yes master."

 The scrapyard owner says "Yeah, I have some industrial grease back in the workshop. Oh, and Grim, Just, put the relic down for now."

 Grimlock drops it and states "Sorry, again..."

 Bee asks "What is this thing, Fixit?" 

The orange minicon states "It appears to be an HEP generator. High Energy Pulse generators produce short intense energy bursts that can disrupt if not destroy a bot's neural nets." 

Denny gasps "This device can fry your brains?" 

The mech responds "Oh, we're perfectly safe as long as the generator's not activated." However, Jetstorm slips and falls behind Slipstream, making him collapse and activate the HEP generator. "Oh dear..." Fixit worries flatly. 

"Wasn't me!!" Grimlock yells. He then transforms and covers his head "I don't want my brain fried!!"

 Fixit worries "I'll see what I can do." 

"Slipstream, Jetstorm. Seek cover!" Drift orders. However, they run and fall into Fixit, preventing that.

Sideswipe takes out his hunter and cuts the generator in half. Strongarm complains "We went though a lot of trouble recovering that generator!" 

"You'd rather have had your brain fried?" Sideswipe asks. The minicons stand up and Swipes jokes "Question, how many minicons does it take to disarm a high energy pulse generator? Answer! KAZAP!! Ha ha ha ha hah!"

 Fixit growls "We heard that!"

 "It was most insulting!" Jetstorm argues.

 Slipstream agrees with his partner "Directing your jokes towards the three of us grows tiresome." 

Sideswipe ignores and rubs Jetstorm's helm "Awww, you guys are so cute when you get offended!!" Jetstorm then grabs his wrist and pulls it painfully behind the mech's back. 

Drift says "Jetstorm?" Sideswipe takes his own arm back and rubs his wrist while the minicons walk off. The samurai goes with them but turns and says "You should tune up your motor mouth, before someone else does it for you. Maybe that is one of the reasons ShiverTooth had left. He tried telling us he was on our side and you continued to believe that he was a full decepticon ready to betray us at any second, even after all he did... How shameful...."

Fixit goes over and looks at him before huffing and rolling away. The racer says "Oh, come on, Fixit, I was just busting your bearings like always."

 Bumblebee walks over "A little teasing they can take, but they asked you to stop and you kept on going." 

Multi-ConOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz