<Chapter 14>

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ShiverTooth's perspective

I was at the back of the scrapyard, overlooking the stasis pods. I didn't dare touch them. I kept looking back to make sure Sideswipe didn't come up behind me and go off to tell Bumblebee the complete opposite of what I was doing. I decided all was good and walked backwards, then turning and walking down a pathway of the scrapyard.

I look down at the symbol on my chest and start getting nervous. "What if Bumblebee stops trusting me. What happens when it goes to scrap and the autobots don't trust me anymore? Are they going to put me into stasis? Are they going to drop me from the team? Oh, they're gonna hurt me. I'm sure of it... I can't go into stasis... I don't want to go back. It was scary going in in the first place!" I tell myself.

Another voice startles me "Well you don't have to worry about that happening anytime soon."

I turn to see Bumblebee and Drift shortly behind him. "You scared me." I say, covering my optics with one servo.

Bee pats my shoulder "I'm sorry. I overheard you contemplating our trust in you. I assure you that won't change anytime soon. No matter what Sideswipe says."

I bring my hand down "What did Sideswipe tell you?"

"Just some lie. It's alright. I know you wouldn't do anything harsh, not by your own will of course." He says.

I look to Drift "What about you?"

The samurai tells me "I also wanted to check if everything was alright. I know things have been hard since Decepticon island. Your wing was damaged, your throat was injured. You couldn't speak for a week afterwards. And now Sideswipe blames for you for the loss and is making it worse on you."

I nod "You don't believe him, do you?"

"I have never like Sideswipe for his games, and I told you that you could talk to me when things began to go... 'downhill'."

I agree with what he says. "I didn't think now was a time for such a talk." I say, my wings lowering. Drift looks to Bumblebee, and he walks away, nodding his helm.

Drift and I were left. The mech asks me "Would you follow me? Maybe a practice of meditation would help to clear your mind. First we must find a calm and quiet space."

I agree "Of course."

We go to the other end of the scrapyard and find a nice empty area. Drift ejects his minicons and we all sit together in a circle. Drift sets himself in a mediation position and so do the minicons.

"I have to ask." I say "How do you do this? I'm new to such practice."

Drift replies "Set yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax, and focus on your deep inner thoughts.... And... try not to move."

I place my servos in my lap and close my optics. The only sounds that became clear to me were my breathing, birds, cicadas and crickets chirping, the grass waving and the whirring of my systems. It was so peaceful. I see why Drift enjoyed this.

We sat like that for about 15 minutes before Drift says "And come back to your surroundings." We open our eyes and let out one large exhale. Drift looks to me "Calm?"

I nod "Very. Thank you."

He nods, smiling at me "Anytime I can help. "

I stand up and walk to the others. I find BumbleBee up at his place on the sign. I climb up it and say hello "Hey, Bee."

"Oh, hey, ShiverTooth. How was it with Drift? Your eyes are a bright red now." He responds. "It was very relaxing. I'm glad I did it." I say.

Bumblebee states "That's good. I'm happy you're back to yourself."

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