<Chapter 22>

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I couldn't sleep though. I got like one hour until I woke up and couldn't go back so I looked to Crustacean's stasis pod for the time being. He was so still and sound asleep in the pod. I heard running and driving and saw a glimpse of the bots racing out of the scrapyard. "Another mission?"

I ask myself. I transform and follow them out. I found Strongarm driving with the sphere but she stopped to avoid falling off an unfinished bridge and dropped the item. I fly down and catch it then land on a higher ledge with it. "Did Optimus not explain what could happen If this thing isn't well cared for?" I asked myself, looking at the sphere to see if there's any damage. Thankfully nothing but paint shedding and scratches from the others.

I hear Bumblebee's voice and he was NOT happy "Give me the sphere, ShiverTooth!"

I look over surprised "What's going on?" I ask.

He jumps down from the massive construction material pile and holds his hand out, walking toward me "It doesn't matter. Give it to me."

I was shocked and hold it away, but he glares at me. "Give it, decepticon." I was hurt by this statement, so I just walk over and hand it to him. He rips it away and observes it.

I cock a ridge "Look, we're all probably super tired, let's go back to the scrapyard and we'll deal with this." He moves away from me shaking his head. I go on "Bumblebee I'm not sure what's going on but it needs to stop." I grab his arm and he punches me in the stomach with his other fist, throwing me down to the ground.

He gets out his gun and growls "Watch it, con! I know your tricks. Don't try anything."

I was shocked more than anything. "B-Bee.... I-it's me.... S-ShiverTooth!"

"I know who you are and what you're capable of! Stay back!!" He argues.

I try again "Bumblebee I thought we were friends!?"

He counters "Why would I ever want to be friends with a decepticon like you? Sideswipe was right on one thing. I don't know why we ever trusted you."

I was surprised. Tears started streaming down my face "Just talk to Optimus. He knows I'm good! I would never hurt one of you on purpose!"

"Optimus doesn't like you either! I know it!" That did it. I stand up and get out my blaster, shooting him.

He drops the sphere and I see a long tongue catch it. I follow it to see a massive decepticon frog who yelled "You said you knew nothing of Doradus!! You lied to me!!! LIED!!! But my persistence has been rewarded!! DORADUS SHALL BE MINE!!! Ahhahahahahahaah!!!" I transform and fly up to him. He turns to me and says "You're a decepticon teaming with autobots!! Don't think I'm letting you come with me!! Doradus shall be all mine!!"

I argue "Take it. I don't care anymore. I'm no longer affiliated with them."

The frog was surprised "Oh, okay then." He transforms and drives away as fast as he can.

Bee calls up to me "You let Springload get away!? You could have taken him and got it back!!!" He climbs up and looks to me "ShiverTooth, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I smack him away from me. "Ow! Woah! Hey!?"

"I don't even know why I joined this team!! Decepticons are the right people to be with!! Maybe I'll find a group who appreciates me rather than you!! At least they won't hide if they hate me!!"

I go to transform but Bumblebee argues "Wait what? ShiverTooth, what are you talking about!?"

I respond "You called me decepticon and agreed with Sideswipe!" I was full out crying by now. I don't care who saw it. The others join up with him and saw me standing away from Bee and eyes full of tears. "You were right, Sideswipe!! I was wrong! I should have listened to you and left a long time ago!!"

Sideswipe was surprised "You're leaving!?"

Blurr cheers "I thought you planned to leave already? Sideswipe told me all about it."

I transform and shoot at them, then fly away. I never wanted to see them again, and honestly, I wish I never did. I should have signed "No" on Dropforge's contract and stayed a prisoner of war.

I fly until sunrise. Bumblebee tried to contact me but I shut my com off. My last words to him were "No! I'm leaving! You can't change my mind! This is on you!!" He couldn't say anything because I switched my com off before he could. I fly on and on, spotting Decepticons on my travels doing what Decepticons do. I never thought to talk to them or go stop them. I was done. I land and transform to take a break.

I see a shredded pipe on the ground and take a sharp part of it "Bumblebee and the others are going to be looking for me. I don't want them to see me again.... So I'll make it so even if they do find me, they'll feel sorry for what they did." I remembered Drift's words for a second and then pushed them away. I used the sharp piece and tore up my skin once more. 9 lines down both wrists and 2 on my left side. I held it to my throat but decided against it and put it in my sub space. I transform again and fly off in the same direction I was traveling. I didn't care anymore. It was finally over for me.

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