<Chapter 19>

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I was resting against a nearby run down truck when I heard Bumblebee's voice calling me. I ran to it. "What's up, Bee?"

 He replies "Strongarm and Sideswipe need backup. You coming with?" 

I say flatly "For Sideswipe? Not in years, but I'll do it for Strongarm, even with her trust issues...." I said the last bit flatly and walked through the portal with the rest of them.

Strongarm called us over "Over here! Hurry!" She ducked down, looking up at the sky cautiously.

 Bee laughed to himself but we walked over. "What's the situation? Does that Stunticon have some friends?" Bee asks. 

Strongarm replies "No. sir?-" 

"Has he claimed hostages and is threatening to harm them?" Drift asks. 

Sideswipe says "No, listen!" Grimlock asks "Does he have cats?" 

I shake my helm "By the way you were looking at the sky, I'm going to guess that he has energon seeking missiles." 

Strongarm nods "Yes, he does."

 Bumblebee says "Okay, well that makes things a little more interesting. But still, one con with some missiles shouldn't be too tough. Not for all of us. You guys need to get used to the idea that we can handle anything."

 I go to correct him on the dangers of missiles but Sideswipe stops me "Yeah, we don't need the layout and dangers of weapons, SilverTooth. You're overlooking a key fact, Boss bot." He turns and points.

 Bumblebee gasps "The nuclear waste disposal site!" 

Drift goes on "If a missile were to detonate against the desert floor, the concussion might damage the underground containment facility."

 "And create a leak that could poison the entire state..." Bee adds. "Alright, our key is going to be the element of surprise. The decepticon doesn't know that there are 6 of us."

 Grimlock whines "Actually Bee, I think he has a pretty good idea." We all look up to see 6 missiles coming straight for us in the sky. 

"One for each of us." I say. 

Bee adds on "Scrap! We can't let the missiles explode on the ground in this part of the valley! Everyone rev up and roll out! Fast!!" We all transform and fly, run, or drive away.

No perspective

Down on the ground, the Bee team raced for it. "Forward on, team! Head for those mountains!!" Bumblebee commands. 

Sideswipe asks "Wait, where's Grimlock?"

 "And ShiverTooth?" Drift asks.

 Sideswipe says "Dunno, my guess is having a blast with Heatseeker one way or another." 

They all transform and Bee looks at Sideswipe angrily "What the Frag is that supposed to mean!? You hope he's blown up!?" 

"Wh- I DIDN'T SAY THAT!!" Sideswipe argues. Bee growls "You said having a blast with Heatseeker one way or another. A blast is another word for an explosion." 

Swipes corrects "A blast also means he could be having fun with him—" 

"Or in a fiery explosion." Bumblebee argues.

They then saw Grimlock catching up to them. "Keep going! I'll catch up! Might be tomorrow but I'll catch up!" 

They look behind him to see the missiles. Bee follows a contrail of the missile in the sky and it lead to an explosion. Other flaming dots in the sky were there too. Bee's breath stopped but he had hoped he was wrong. He looked back to Grimlock. 

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