Chapter 29

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AN: *Peeks around the corner* Ya'll still reading this?

"Would you believe me if I told you this was all a coincidence?" Mia's face was frozen in a forced smile that looked more and more like a grimace as the seconds ticked by. 

Alec's answering snort seemed out of character to everyone but Mia and Jane who was glaring at the human that caused so many problems.

Mia was trying not to panic, it wasn't working. How could she allow her powers to wane, even for a moment? 

"Well, there was a belief that Bella was Edward's mate." Carlisle's voice was steady, but his eyes jumped between Edward and Mia as he talked.

"Was?" Alec was standing over Bella now, his hand drifting dangerously close to her neck. "Then you should have disposed of her already." His eyes flashed briefly " Master Aro will want to hear about this Carlisle."

"We didn't get a chance before the both of you turned up, this was a very recent discovery." Mia was quick to step up knowing they would be the most lenient with her. "We were taking care of it."

Alec hummed as he went to stand next to Jane. "Explain to us how." Gesturing toward Bella his head tilted as him and Jane's eyes seemed to harden. In this instant Mia could see exactly why everyone seemed to be afraid of them. 

She tried not to panic as she suddenly began to doubt her plan. Before she could  lose her nerve she began to explain "Well, we figured that the easiest way would be to remove any memories Bella had of the Cullens being vampires. No death. no messes. See? Taking care of it." Mia gave a nervous chuckle as she received the full glares of the twin guards of The Volturi.

"Oh please tell me you aren't that stupid Mia" Alec spit the words at her with so much venom that she flinched. Jane remained suspiciously quiet as she stared between Mia and the girl on the couch. "Please tell me that mind magic would be the last plan you could ever have when trying to save this stupid little human. Because the Mia I know, the one with a brain, wouldn't even be considering it." 

"We both know that it would work Alec!" Mia's voice was defensive but her argument was weak and quickly crumbling in her mind. But there wasn't another way was there? 

"Know it would work? Clearly you don't know anything if you think risking your life performing magic you've never even attempted counts as a guarantee for us! Do you know what happened to the last witch that attempted mind magic Mia? She left you without a mother!" The weight of his words hit Mia like a bullet to the chest as fought back tears. What could she say? He was right.

"Enough Alec." Jane's voice was quiet but powerful as she locked eyes with Mia. "It may sound harsh but he is correct. Your mother was well practiced in this field and still lost her life, we won't allow you to do the same." 

Mia remained silent and Edward took this opportunity to speak. "Don't blame Mia for this, I asked her to attempt it and that was selfish of me. The weight of the situation was lost on me because I was blinded by my self-righteousness and skewed sense of morality, it wouldn't be the first time." He looked toward Mia who's eye were still watery but locked on him, he kept going. "This whole thing has been a shit show from start to finish and it's all my fault. I have so many regrets, but I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if Mia died because of me." Locking eyes with Jane, who had been glaring at him since he began speaking, he said "The responsibility of what to do with Bella lies with me and me alone."

Jane's stone lips quirked upwards as she tilted her head slightly to the left. "I'm glad you think so." She gave a slight giggle that sent a chill down Edward's spine. "Because you will be the one to kill her."  

Mia fought a gasp as she listened to Jane's words. As wrong as it may be, Mia couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of relief that swept over her as Edward talked. She put on a brave face but she was terrified of journeying into someone's mind. But now they were faced with a much messier conclusion. And would Edward even be able to do it? Looking around at the surrounding vampires and a still asleep Bella she sighed. It didn't seem like he had much of a choice.  

AN: So...(Please don't yell at me :( )how y'all been? I ain't gon front with y'all, I straight stopped giving af about this story but y'all still reading and commenting so Imma get back into it lmaoo.

 also Imma let ya'll vote on this one. Should we kill Bella? yay or nay? whichever choice has the most votes wins. 

Also! imma set a date for the next update and if this story ain't updated by then ya'll are welcome to come in my pm's and get on me about it (Don't talk to crazy tho) The next chapter will be updated by July 1st. And imma try to finish this story probably within the next 5-7 chapters. I have an ending in mind but Idk yet. Do we want her to end up with Edward? cuz if not...I may have someone I've been thinking about.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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