Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Happy Birthday to me!! Ya girl is 21!! In celebration, here's a chapter for you :) 

When Mia woke up for the second time it was with puffy eyes and a heavy heart. Heading into the bathroom she frowned at her reflection, her eyes were still slightly red from all the crying that had eventually put her to sleep.

"Pull yourself together. You got this." Talking to herself in the mirror always worked. Putting on a face mask to bring her skin back to life after all the tears, Mia began to take her hair out of the braids from the night before. Grabbing her phone she put on music, allowing Beyonce to remind her who she was.

Taking off her face mask she reveled in the rejuvenated glow her brown skin held. Fluffing her roots with her hair pick until it had her desired volume Mia decided that she was going out today. Throwing on a crop top hoodie, jeans and her converse she did one last pep talk in the mirror.

"You are strong, you've survived everything terrible that has happened to you, and you'll survive this. Smile, you're a prize." Smiling at her reflection she headed down the stairs to the empty living room. "Hello, is anybody home?" She turned around and was met with Carlisle's strained smile.

"Hello Mia, can I talk to you for a moment?" Mia narrowed her eyes as she observed Carlisle, he was staring at her with an obviously fake smile on his face, but his eyes were looking everywhere but at her.

"Why do you look so nervous?" She watched as he stiffened at her question.

"I don't. Come to my office with me, so we can talk." He tried to lead her toward his office before Mia pulled away. She already knew what this was about.

"Listen Papa C, I know you heard me and Edward earlier, but I promise I'm fine. We don't need to have a heart to heart." She saw him start to open his mouth as he began to shake his head, she put her hand up to stop his words. "I appreciate the concern really, but I just need to get out of the house. Speaking of, Can I borrow your car?" Mia looked up at him with a big smile and batted her eyelashes until Carlisle sighed and pulled the key to his black mercedes out of his pocket. "Thank you! I'll be safe, promise." Mia kissed him on the cheek quickly and ran out the door. As he heard the car pull out of the driveway Carlisle rubbed his hand over his face and sighed to himself.

"These kids are going to kill me." Shaking his head he headed to find his wife, he guessed he would try again when the kids returned.

Forks was...small. Depressingly small actually, Mia wondered how long she could stay here before she went stir-crazy. She had driven through the whole town in about 25 minutes, and was currently cruising back through looking for help wanted signs. She pulled over as she noticed a sign in the window of a small bookstore. Getting out quickly she headed inside, the small bell over the door alerting the middle aged black woman to her presence. Mia greeted the woman with a smile, wanting to work here even more now.

"Hi I'm Mia, I noticed the hiring sign in the window and would like to interview for the position." Holding her hand out the woman shook it with a curious look on her face as she opened her mouth.

"Hi Mia, I'm Mrs. Crowley, are you new here? I can't place your face." Nodding at her question Mia opened her mouth to explain when a voice cut her off.

"Who you talking to Ma? We're gonna have to put you in a home soon." Coming from the back door that Mia hadn't noticed was a brown skinned boy who smiled when her brown eyes met his. He was taller than her, maybe around 5'11, cute too. She smiled and held her hand out for him to shake.

"Hi, I'm Mia. I was just talking to your mom about working here." Tyler grabbed her hand and kissed it. She chuckled he was corny, but in a cute way. He let her go flinching as his mom hit him upside his head.

"She don't want you boy. Leave us alone, we're having an interview." Shooing Tyler back towards the door he came from she turned back toward Mia. "Now Mia, why do you want to work in a bookstore?"

"Oh, I just love books, English was favorite subject in high school. I also have experience in sales, I worked in a store before I moved here." Mia continued to talk about her previous experience, and how much she loved books until she stopped herself. "Sorry, I talk a lot." Smiling sheepishly she hoped her motormouth wouldn't stop her from getting the job.

"When can you start?" Mia had to refrain from jumping across the counter to hug the woman, she settled for shaking her hand enthusiastically, her curls bouncing as she practically vibrated with excitement.

"Really? Thank you so much Mrs. Crowley. Today! Right now if you wanted, but if not then tomorrow?" Noticing she was still shaking her hand Mia let go quickly.

"Tomorrow, 10 to 6. Does that work for you?" Mia was nodding before she even finished. Saying a quick goodbye to her and yelling one for Tyler, she headed out toward the car. She stopped when she noticed the shiny volvo parked behind her. She rolled her eyes when Edward exited the car.

"What are you doing here?" She folded her arms as she looked at him and then looked around her at the empty sidewalk.

"Who are you talking to? Last time I checked I was grown, and no longer your responsibility. Bye Edward." Moving around him she headed toward Carlisle's car when she found him in her way again. "I really hate it when you do that." She muttered as they both looked toward his car when the passenger's door opened. Mia sighed heavily as Bella got out of the car quickly, almost falling in the process. She couldn't have one good moment without it being ruined, she was already ready to leave.

"Why are you in Carlisle's car?" Raising an eyebrow at the question Mia almost cursed her out, who did she think she was to question her? Instead of slapping the taste out of her mouth Mia simply moved around dumb and dumber and quickly got in the car.

"Mia, why were you talking to Tyler?" Edward frowned at her through the window. Still ignoring him Mia quickly pulled off heading back toward the house, she was not going to let him ruin the rest of her day, so ignoring him would have to do for now.

Author's Note: So...My laptop broke, updates are gonna be slow moving until I can get a new one next week, so be patient with me. See you on the next one :)

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