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"He still hasn't talked?" Denki whispered entering the room.

"No, we've tried everything." I sipped on my energy drink putting it to the side. "He's traumatized."

We stayed silent for moments ends until Hitoshi entered the room. His hand was behind his neck rubbing it awkwardly. His other hand held 3 full bags of stuff.

"I got him some stuff. To try and cheer him up." He cleared his throat setting the bags next to his bed.

Denki looked at me then Hitoshi turning his head at lightning speed. I want to hit him so bad for embarrassing me right now.

"I guess I'll leave the parents to talk." He pet Hiros head before leaving the room.

Not me nor Hitoshi spoke a word. I could feel the tension from a mile away. Although I didn't quite know if Hitoshi wanted to speak with me yet.

He's been so quiet throughout this week. And even now he's standing over Hiro's body just staring at him.

"Can you tell me all about Hiro." He looked up at me.

I felt my heart twist and nodded without a doubt. Hitoshi sat on the chair beside me quietly waiting.

"Well his first name is Hiroto. But his nickname is Hiro. He's 5 years old and his favorite color is grey. He's mostly calm. Hiroto quirk is called Hyponosis Shock, it's kinda a mixture of ours. He loves cats, cookies, and he loves to sleep. Hiro is allergic to dogs, just like you. He likes minimum stuff and he reminds me of you in many ways."

I looked up at Hitoshi who was looking down. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't ever forgive me." He said shamefully.

"I won't. Just don't hurt me again." I turned to look at Hiro.

"I want to be in his life." Hitoshi said quietly.

"I want you to be in his life." I responded truthfully. "I never meant too keep him hidden for this long."

Again we sit in silence, that was until Hiroto eyes opened. He hasn't said anything other than 'ok', 'yes', and 'no'.

He just stares quietly. I cleared my voice attempting to get his attention. "Some of your stuffies wanted to visit you." I placed them next to him.

"I want to go home." He muttered.

"I know baby, I'm so sorry." I held his hand. "But you need to speak to me or the police so they can catch the bad man."

Hiro turned his head towards me, tears gathering in his purple eyes. "Mama I'm scared." His voice broke.

Tears immediately fell from my face and I was left speechless. It was my job to protect him.

"You're safe now. Nothing bad will never happen to you again." Hitoshi said.

"Hijack? Did you save me from the monster." Hiro asked, his attention was fully on Hitoshi.

"To be completely honest it was all your mommy. I was just there as backup." He shined his fake smile, I could see right through it. "Hiro you too are a hero. You did so good and now we get to find a very bad man."

Hiro cheered up at this statement. "You mean it?" Hitoshi nodded his head. "But I was so scared."

"Me and your mom were both scared, probably even more than you. So many hero's get scared while working but they always get the job done."

"I am a hero too." Hiro stated to himself.

"Can you tell us more about this guy, or group. Like how many people were they? What did they do? Did they say anything scary?"

"I remember getting really hurt right here." Hiro pointed to his stomach. "And when I woke up I was in a dark room."

"But you stayed strong, right? You didn't let them touch you." Hitoshi said concerned.

"I was very strong and when one bad guy came in I told him to go away."

Hitoshi rubbed his forehead in thought, "So it was more than one?"

"I couldn't really see faces but I saw 3 different people. One said really mean things." He pouted looking down once more.

"You know what all bad guys do?" Hitoshi asked, Hiro tilted his head. "They are all big fat liars." This brought a smile to Hiro's face.

"Hijack you are now my 2 favorite hero!" Hero said loudly with blushing cheeks.

"And you Hiroto are my favorite hero." Hitoshi smiled.

"Can you stay with me and my mama until I have to leave?" He asked scratching his hair.

"Of course, I'll always be here for you."

"Mama! Did you hear that? Hijack said that he'll always be here for me. I think he has a crush on me." He whispered to me.

Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. "Oh my-, I have no idea where he learned that from." I shook my hands explaining to Hitoshi who hand was covering his face.

He removed his hand to show the laughter on his face. He was trying his hardest to hide his laughter. I don't want him to do that anymore.

I might not feel any type of attraction towards him, but without a doubt I know he will be a great father.

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