Easy Prey - Day 4

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The poisonous gas vents are rendering Osaka uninhabitable. Two monsters have been detected closing in on that location. We have only one Mecha unit to defend the city - hopefully that will suffice.


I made it Osaka, still on the hunt for crystal power nearby but nothing's there. Luckily for me, Mothra was here and ready to help me out to take down Moguera again.

Moguera is not happy about what I did to him and he was going to get rid of the infection that on us. But that won't happen because I'm an Alien now, hunting for the Power Surges to build the ultimate Kaiju monster ever.

Mothra: King Caesar, allow me for a help on your side.

Mothra gently nuzzles me, making me blush for her, loving her. It's like my mind was changing except me and my friends are Aliens. I turn my attention to Moguera and swing my claws at him, again and again to make him get off guard, then I strike at him.

Moguera: Why do I have to be the one guarding the city when there are two of you?

King Caesar: Because you are going to be down.

Moguera: Tell it to my face!

He fired the beam from his chest, hitting me. Mothra in her Larvae form does a zigzag to hit Moguera, but he brace himself. I begin to strike at him but I got parryed by it, making me caught off guard.

Moguera: Alright guys, begin your assault!

As he said that, I look up and see some helicopters and tanks aim their weapons at me and Mothra, but it won't stop us. Mothra burrows underground before coming back up for a short time, perfect time for a surprise attack. So she swings her tail at him while I ran at Moguera in the chest.

I roar at him and then fire my laser eyes at Moguera to damage him. But he fired his energy beam to enter into a beam lock to see who wins. But unfortunately, because of Moguera moving close to me, we both got hit by the blast and fall to the ground.

Moguera has been weakened. Now that he's weakened, I can use my Power Surge. The burning of the Fire Power Surge is making me stronger, letting me take it out on him. I use it again, letting the laser come from my mouth as I aim it at Moguera, dealing him the most damage on him.

He is almost down. Moguera was hanging on to his life as he stands tall. He fires missiles at me to keep me away from him, but when I do, I can stop him for sure. Mothra was trying to distract him so she can just hit him on the head. I rush to him and swing my claws up, knocking him down, letting Mothra deal the final blow on him. Moguera has gone down.


I roar triumphantly as me and Mothra did a great job beating the crap out of that guy. This guy was moving so much.

Anyways, with Moguera out of the way, I start to head back to where my home is. Mothra nuzzles my leg very cutely, making me blush more.

Mothra: I love you King Caesar.

King Caesar: I love you too Mothra.

Mothra: Where are you going to go next?

I point my finger to the island far away.

King Caesar: I'm heading to Monster Island, hopefully some more destruction with my fellow Mutants.

Mothra: Oooh!

Mothra was happy about this. The only thing she met was Titanosaurus, the funny and silly Kaiju monster who loves fun.

Mothra: Have fun with the Mutants, King Caesar. I'm going to head back to the Mothership.

Mothra walk back to the Mothership while I be heading to Monster Island, seeing that I call it home. It brings my memories back when being in here.

Godzilla 1954: Steal the Power Surges for me, Caesar... You know you want them...

There was that voice again, but I ignore him and continue my way, heading to that location.

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