◇◇◇◇◇◇Chapter V◇◇◇◇◇◇

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Y/N nodded, balled one of his hands into a fist, lifted his hand up and shouted into excitement. Most siblings would hate get into marriages as it would just benefit their mother rather than themselves. But for Y/N..oh..he doesn't really care as he never really thought about it as he was just waiting for an opportunity for arranged marriages.

Y/N: Hell Yeah!! I was waiting for this my whole damn life Mama! I'll look for a potential wife for myself and make sure they perfect for our family. I then turned around and begin to set off so that I may find a perfect potential wife for myself.

Big Mom just stared off watching her son leave all excited to just to find a wife for himself. She still remembered when he asked about arranged marriages and the moment she told him, he was all excited as saying when he gets older he wants to be in one. Although, she already founded one for him.

Big Mom: Y/N!!! Hold on for a moment. He stopped just the moment he cracked open the door to leave. I adore that you want to wet off and find a wife for yourself but I already have one for you.

Y/N: Haha!! Who!? Who is my future wife!?

Big Mom: Viola! Will be your wife!

Y/N was beyond happy. But only for the arranged marriage and the soon to be cake presented. He went to Dressrosa once and encountered the women once. They talked for a couple minutes but left soon enough once he found what he was looking for.

Y/N: Haha!! Now I'm even more excited! I met her just once when I was out on seas from last time. She said she ate a Giro-Giro no Mi. She explained that she could see through solid objects and vast distances. Including to read people's mind and/or memories.

Big Mom: Yes, I already told one of your siblings to take her and she'll be here in a few days. The moment she gets here the wedding will be in a week 'n' half. And the best part of the wedding is...

Y/N & Big Mom: CAKE!!!

Y/N: Although Mama. As much as I love cake is it possible to make my wedding cake into a huge Chessecake. She nodded and didn't care as long as there would be cake. Alright, I'll be off. Thank you the amazing news Mama! I then started to walk off to tell Pudding the amazing news.

At the store

Pudding finally got what she wanted for her older brother. It was a small dagger knife that he could use in practice or have with him whenever he leaves. She smiled at and started to hear a voice calling out for her.

Pudding: Do you two hear anything? I started to look behind me, left, and right.

Guard 2: I think it's Sir Y/N. I see him running this way. And rather quickly.

Pudding: Really!? Wait, I thought the meeting with Mama would take much longer. But I guess not.

Y/N: Pudding!!! Pudding, I have amazing news!! I finally caught up to Pudding as I was still excited about getting married.

Pudding: Big Brother Y/N!! You're back! But what is the "amazing" news you want to tell me?

Y/N: I'm getting married!! Isn't that great Pudding! Mama called me saying she planned an arranged marriage for me and she said that the women is coming in a few days!

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