◇◇◇◇◇◇Chapter XVIII◇◇◇◇◇◇

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The couple were in shock. Pregnant. Viola is pregnant. She couldn't believe it—–she's going to be a mother. But the mother of a monster she calls a husband.

She looked at Y/N to see him smiling widely.

Y/N: Thank you doctor. You can leave now. Let us be for a moment.

The doctor nodded and began to leave the room.

Y/N looked at his wife smiling and held her hand tightly.

Y/N: Can you believe it my treasure!! We're going to be parents and you're bearing my child. Isn't this great!?

Y/N was over-joyed to have a child, but once again, he was raised by Big Mom and told many things.

He remembered Big Mom telling him if he got married and have a child it would definitely benefit the family a whole bunch.

Viola: ....Yes....but what if everything goes wrong?

Y/N: Nothing will ever go wrong my treasure. You have me. I'll protect you and our child. We'll both protect it from that dangers of the world. And I'll make just like me.

The last part, he said it with so much pride like he wanted them to be exactly like him.

Viola just stared at him. She smiled at the first few lines but then deadpanned at the last part.

Viola: So....no relationship til a arranged marriage, cold-hearted, merciless, and not knowing what to do in a relationship.

Y/N stopped and slowly looked at his wife giving "what do you mean women?" look.

The dark haired women couldn't help but laugh at his face that he was making. And pink-colored man couldn't help but crack a smile while trying to keep his stoic face.

Y/N: Hey!! I'm improving as I go. I think I'm doing a good job being you're husband and I think I'll do good being a father.

Viola couldn't help but laugh more seeing him like this.

At first Viola was utterly distraught when she heard she was getting married to a random man, a Charlotte at most. But over the weeks now almost a month—–

It's been well, few fights over the healthy and unhealthy lifestyle of food supplies. But overall it's been good for both ends seeing how well they were.

Time skip

(Okay, I know he isn't on here but for now just let it be)


t's been a few good hours since the announcement of finding out Viola getting pregnant and now they were both at Big Mom's palace.

Everything was in order but oh— nothing will stay calm when something was bound to happen.

Perospero: I still don't understand why we must go outside for this Mama.

Perospero was onto of Big Mom's shoulder.

Along was Y/N, Viola and his two other siblings.

For some strange reason Y/N was feeling even more hunger and wanted something hella sweet for his stomach.

Not even seconds Mama was sniffling the air and something delicious caught her nose.

Big Mom: Mhmm~~ Ma, ma, ma! Y/N do you smell that. It smells so sweet!!

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