♤♤♤♤♤♤Chapter X♤♤♤♤♤♤

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It's been a wild ride on the ship as the crew of Y/N's ship would see their Captain do random things for his wife. Even though she decline some offers he gives he would still give it to her. It was an odd sight for many to see as Y/N would do things that he usually never does. When their ship docked for a moment to get supplies Y/N went on a full shopping spree while Viola was following along.

The only reason Y/N did a shopping spree was because he thought Viola would enjoy doing this as she was a female and all females enjoy a shopping spree when they get on a different island. Oh but Viola didn't doing anything of the sort as she was looking at random stuff as she doesn't really go to different island since she's been stuck at Dressrosa for her entire life time. Viola chuckled at the sight seeing her husband act this way.

Y/N would tilt his head wondering why she acted this way and asked why she was getting anything else. She declined saying she didn't want anything and only to see what this small is about. Get supplies, look around and then head back. He was confused but nodded and headed back to the ship with all the clothes he brought for her. Though she said she didn't want most he brought and thought when they back to "his" home, give it to his sisters. He nodded and placed the clothes she wanted to wear and the clothes he and Viola were going to give his sisters.

Timeskip: Dressrosa

After countless hours on the ship they have finally arrived at Dressrosa. Not to mention, Y/N thought again to the "suppose past lover" could be. Viola looked at her husband who may have a stoic and netural face she can seem a tiny hint of anger or jealousy. She then looked at their intertwined hands and squeezed it by an inch. Y/N felt the sudden squeezed and looked at his wife. All she did was smile and looked at everything that used to be her home.

While the couple were walking the people in Dressrosa were shocked to see their dancer with some man they seen but leave quickly. They were all curious on what happened to her as they thought she was kidnapped and brought back for some unknown reason. All of a sudden two people a women with long orange hair and a curvy body was walking along with a man with a long nose and puffy hair. Viola said she wanted to visit her dancing parlor and asked if Y/N stayed behind.

He denied saying he would come along saying how disgusting and disrespectful men can be. Saying he was the only man to be respectful and loyal man they can see. Viola chuckled at his saying and cupped his face with her hands and leaned close. She pecked his face and lips a few times saying she won't be long inside. Y/N grumble and looked away with a small tint of red on his face. Viola chuckled at the sight and walked inside while Y/N stayed by the parlor.

At the same time with the people were walking to find some of their crew mates that went missing; they soon spotted the tall man that has a vest on with no shirt. Along with some black pants. His hair was a semi-dark pink hair and dark orange eyes. He was just standing there with his eyes close and arms cross against his bare chest. The women decided to use her charms to see if he knows anything. The long nosed man looked scared seeing the way the man is but followed nonetheless.

???: Excuse me~~ I looked at the man as he was attractive but I think he could help us if I do everything right.

Y/N: I looked down slight to see an orange hair women. She had long hair that's for sure. What is it? She looked shocked from the way I responded but honestly I could care less. I looked behind me waiting for Viola to come on out.

???: Have you seen a green haired man and a small reindeer around here? I could use some help..I gave off my puppy eyes to see if he would budge just a little. But no reaction whatsoever. He would just look at me then to Usopp then to the dancing place.

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