◇◇◇◇◇◇Chapter XXIII◇◇◇◇◇◇

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The "Family Dinner" meeting came to an end. Y/N stood up holding Viola in his arms bridal style walking away so he can go to the doctor.

The only reason was that Viola was feeling uncomfortable. Not from the Vinsmoke or the atmosphere but since she has another living being inside her.

She requested softly if they could leave and head to the doctor for a quick check up. Which he automatically nodded and requested for this to come to an end early.

Sanji was somewhat grateful for that and started to head back to his corridor when he felt someone looking at him.

He turned slightly and his family looking at him. Only 4 were just glaring at him while one was looking sympathetic at him. He just gazed them quickly and looked away before walking once more.

Time skip:
At the Doctor's

Both Viola and Y/N reached the doctor and asked to see the doctor. The receptionist nodded and quickly asked for the doctor to come right away.

Right now Viola was in a hospital gown waiting patiently. Y/N was sitting beside Viola checking at the security breach if everything was fine.

After 3 minutes passed the doctor came in and started his usual check-up on Viola and her baby.

While Y/N was checking everything til his portable transponder snail ranged to which he stood up.

Y/N: I'll be back. I'll take this real quickly come back.

Viola nodded and looked at the doctor to see what was happening so far.

Outside the doctors room

Y/N got his portable transponder snail and answered it.

Y/N: Hello? What is it? I'm at thr doctor with my wife, so this better good or you're dead.

Guard Transponder snail: Y/N-sama!! I see a unknown ship coming here!!

Y/N: What of it?

Guard Transponder snail: I believe its the Strawhats ship Y/N-sama! I see them getting off and running into the forest but the thing is–

Y/N: The Strawhats!? Well get my siblings to deal with it. I'm busy and I can't just get up and leave Viola alone!!

Guard Transponder snail: Y-Yes Sir!! But also some separated so it might be a bit difficult but– right away!! Clank Chank..

With that it ended. He looked up and ruffled his own hair trying to see where they could head to. And mainly if they see Viola here they might think Y/N kidnapped her.

He sighed deeply trying to soothe his head. Ruling his temples and entered back inside the room.

When he opened the door he saw Viola looking happy, sitting on the chair having one hand on her stomach.

Y/N smiled at the sight and went over to her catching her attention. She stood and hugged his waist to sometimes catching him off guard.

He wrapped his arms around in question from what happened.

Y/N: You seem more..happy? What happened?

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