◇◇◇◇◇◇Chapter XVII◇◇◇◇◇◇

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It's been a while since Sanji received the letter and transponder snail. He was in his room.re-reading it multiple times thinking the same thing over and over.

As at the end letter had the name of the infamous Y/N Charlotte.

He didn't imderstand why his family wanted him but he hated and that's for a fact.

To face his stupid and cruel family, minus one, he didn't want to. But the consequences for this is unbearing.

He sighed and looked back at the transponder snail and make the hardest decision for himself.

He knew some the crew were here while the others were at Dressrosa still. They gave it the mail delivery birds to send it to him, which is how he got them.

He looked at the door, then to the letter and lastly the snail.

He was clenching tightly and wanted to break it and never hear it ever again or see the letter.

Y/N Transponder snail: *Pero, pero* *Pero, pero* Clank Chank. Finally you decided to call. What took so long?

Sanji: Don't fucking start. I was separated from my crew okay–

Y/N Transponder snail: Yeah, yeah.. but the only you call is because you finally giving your answer.. what is it? And remember chose wisely.

Sanji sighed. He didn't want to answer or give a response but he had to. It might risk his wife but also his crew, his friends—–his family.

Sanji: I'll do your stupid arrange marriage. Happy?

The way Sanji was saying the last part had vemon in it. A lot of it. And Y/N could here it, he was getting irritated from it.

But on the other lime of the call Viola was with him. She saw he was getting irritated and geld his hand and squeezed it tightly.

He looked at his hand then to his wife. Smiling at the gesture. He leaned closed and kissed her forehead before coming back to the call.

Y/N: Good~ now was that so difficult to respond. My brother-in-law will get you and send you here to Whole Cake Island. Then you'll met my sister that you'll be marrying. Understood?

Sanji Transponder snail: Yes... got it.. Clank chank.

The snail turned off closing its eyes. Y/N was smiling knowing fully well what was going to happen at the wedding, while his wife was yet to know.

She knew she was going to find out soon or letter.

Sanji on the other hand... was stressing out fully. He grabbed a fist full of hair from the small conversation he just had right now.

He doesn't want to leave his crew. He doesn't want to meet his family. He doesn't want to get married. Especially a Charlotte family.

When you get married into the Charlotte family, you get protected from danger thanks to Big Mom's title. As well you can't leave under no circumstances.

Even more, he didn't know how to tell them. Especially to Nami. He didn't want to but be knew he had to.

Time skip

Right now Bege and his crew were with him. They all getting ready to send Sanji over to Whole Cake Island, Tottoland.

Nami, Chopper, Brook were curious as to why he was here. Sanji was confused as to why they were here as well until he realized why they were here.

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