◇◇◇◇◇◇Chapter VI◇◇◇◇◇◇

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It's been about a week since Y/N was waiting for Viola to come here. Before, she came here to Tottoland he was asking his older sisters what do girls mostly enjoy to do with their significant other so he may have an idea what they would like. He made a small list on what he and Viola should do, including of him asking her to spend time with his family so she may get used to them being around her.

Right now he was in the training room, using the sword his older sister, Smoothie, gave him on his 12th birthday. He was making some improvements on his tactics of when his opponents would make. Katakuri was in the room with him as he made a Mochi 'dummy' so he can use it as his opponent or the time being. Y/N didn't want it but didn't say anything as told him to use armament Haki on it so it's more durable.

Y/N: Hey *pants* Kata *pants* when do you think Viola would come here? I was panting heavily as I was battling with this Mochi 'dummy' for the last 3 hours non-stop. I decided to stop and take a quick break before going back. I walked over to bench and sat there drinking water to cool off.

Katakuri: I don't know Y/N. Maybe today as it has been a week now. It's rather strange to hear you talk about this women when barely know her and you're already getting some "dates" for you and her.

Y/N: I suppose so...I mean I was focusing on this family benficals and I'm getting married so I'm still benefiting my family and you know I'm no good on this whole thing. But I'm getting advice and if this goes well then...I'm happy! I looked up at Katakuri smiling at him. I stood up and was about to start my training once more til the door busted open.

Guard 5: Sir Y/N!! Sir Katakuri!! Miss Viola has finally arrived at Whole Cake Island, Tottoland!! As well as Perospero, Daifuku and Mont-d'Or. They have docked the ship and heading to the castle sir! I saluted to both men as Young master Y/N has a smile on his face.

Y/N: Really!?!? Kata! Viola is here at Tottoland! Guess we're cutting this training session short today. I must leave and prepare myself for my future bride. Thank you for the information, you're dismissed.

The castle guard nodded and began to leave the room. Y/N was collecting his training materials and began to leave the room. He said his goodbyes to Katakuri as he gave a brief one in return.

Y/N's room

Y/N was in the shower to get rid of the odor from his training. He was finally going to meet her again but now he was going to see her for his entire life. He got out the shower, grabbed a towel and dried himself off and wrapping the towel on his lower half. He opened the door and went over to his closet to pick an outfit to give himself a good impression or just wear what he usually wears.

Y/N: They always said that a good impression leaves a good mark for the person they are meeting but I want her to see me how I really am. Dammit I didn't think this would so damn difficult. *sighs* you know what..I'm going to wear how Kata usually wears. Yeah! I'll go with that.

 Yeah! I'll go with that

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