Prologue: Dark Alleyways

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I peered across the room, shoving through sweaty bodies and grinding couples, whilst alcoholics were swaying from side to side, whistling at me as I tried to scurry past. I tripped a couple of times over feet and bags that were carelessly left on the ground, as people around me cautiously glanced as I walked past them.

What am I doing?

I hate house parties. The strong stench of alcohol everywhere, people literally doing it on the dance floor, drunk men trying to make a move on you, drug dealers bound to show up, sweaty bodies and desperate girls trying way too hard.

I finally got to the end of the room, and I leaned back onto the smooth white wall, and stared around me once more. No-one interesting caught my eye, nothing was happening, just a regular party with regular drunk teenagers, trying to have sex with each other.

"Hey baby wanna come with me? I can show you how to have a good time." A guy came up to me, obviously hammered, he was swaying from side to side and grinning lop sidedly at me, and had a drunken slur about his voice. 

I don't know why, but I have always found drunken-ness in a guy a massive turn off. The smell of liquor reeked through his mouth and it churned my stomach, and certainly not in a good way. I mean, would you want a drunk man coming onto you with sexual intentions, who isn't going to remember you the day after? 

"No thank you, I'm good." I sweetly replied, gritting my teeth together and clenching my fists, hoping he would leave, and he got the message as he grunted and swayed away, probably looking for someone else to try and latch onto.

Several thoughts were racing through my mind right now, if anyone else is going to try and come onto me, what I was going to do next, how I am going to get out of here, and if my dress is too short or is showing too much.

But I had that feeling... That awful feeling that someone was watching me. Fear. The hairs on the back of my neck started to stand on end and I suddenly became really self conscious and worried, worried who was watching me and if they were following me, and if they are a mass murderer serial killer. I tightly gripped my bag and pulled my dress down a little so it wasn't so revealing.

I waved my friends goodbye, watched them dance with some random strangers for a couple of seconds, and quickly wondered out the door, having to push aside a few more drunk sweaty bodies as I stumbled through. But the feeling was still there. That someone was following me, and I hated it. I hated feeling so vulnerable, even though I didn't know why. But it wasn't much later until I would find out.

My head was spinning as my shoes hit the stone ground of the pavement, the cold air hit me like a tonne of bricks, it was a big contrast to the hot sweaty air of inside the house. I leant down and peered into my bag, and shuffled around in it for a few seconds, and pulled out a paracetemol packet, and I popped out a couple of tablets and threw them down my throat. My head was pounding so it was quite hard to concentrate on what I was doing.

I placed the packet back into my bag and zipped it up, and took a shark breath inwards, before I walked quickly through the street, the dark alleyways and small lanes, clutching onto my bag tightly and pulling my dress down every so often. I wanted to get home as soon as possible, god knows what time it was and I just wanted to hit my soft bed and sleep.

As I was walking down a lane, it suddenly became dead silent, no low rumbling of the passing cars, no quiet conversation of people passing by, no tweeting of the birds flying around in their nests, nothing. I took a second to enjoy the rare silence as I continued to walk down the road, when suddenly I hear a noise... a twig. It sounded very loud, as it was silent. A branch snapped, and I heard someone curse. The noise sounded close. Too close. I sharply turned my head around, but to my dismay, I couldn't see anything there. Nothing at all.

I don't know what's worse, knowing something was there and knowing what it was, or thinking something was there yet not knowing what it was... but either way it wasn't good. One thing was for certain... Something definately was there, and I wasn't going to stick around waiting to find out what it was.

 I turned around, starting to speed walk down the lane, and I heard whoever was running behind me start to speed up as well. They were following me. I started to jog, coming to the end of the lane and turning sharply right, but the person following me started jogging too. My heart was literally beating through my chest, I was already out of breath, huffing and puffing, I really needed to start working out if I got tired out this easily. I ran, quickly down the street to the end, and turned left, but I heard heavy breathing shortly behind me and I knew they were close. I stretched my legs out and started to sprint, grabbing tightly onto my bag and the bottom of my dress, making sure it wouldn't come up, but whoever was behind me was a lot faster than I was and I heard heavy thudding right behind me, but I wasn't going to give up anytime soon.

I turned down a dark alleyway and sprinted to the end, but something caught my eye which made my heart fall to my stomach. One red sign was staring me right in the face.

Dead End.

Dead freaking end.

I slowly ground to a halt, stopping in my tracks, breathing very heavily as I was trying to control my breathe. I crouched slightly and bent over, resting my hands on my knees to catch my breathe. I was ready  to turn around, scared that my life would soon end. I brushed off my dress and very carefully turned around, preparing myself for the worst. I came face to face with a figure, obviously trying to catch their breath as well, with their hood up,  their face was shaded so I couldn't see who they were... 

Just a mysterious hooded figure. Great.

I heard a very low chuckle escape his lips, he was probably standing a couple of metres away from me, but it was definately too close. He turned his head away from me slightly, probably to see if anyone was watching, and he then turned back to face me, and he laughed again. He took a couple of steps towards me so that he was right infront of me, and he shoved me against the alleyway wall, my back slamming against the cold brick wall, and I whimpered at the sudden forceful contact.

He was of quite a tall build, towering over me slightly, which just made his that much more frightening. His forcefullness was extremely alluring, but definately petrifying. I was certainly scared, there was no doubt of that, because I was gently trembling and cowering away from his strong grip against the wall, but I think this just encouraged him to continue, as he strengthened his grip and chuckled again, pushing a strand of my hair away from my face and looking me in the eyes, one of his arms snaking behind my waist.

"I've been waiting for you."

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