Chapter 37: It's all Belle's fault

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's been a while! Like 2 weeks! But I told you I was going on holiday so it's okay;)

My holiday was AMAZAYNNNNN OMG. Seriously, best holiday ever I think. It was so hot, and I have a tan;-) haha. And loadssssss of hot guys;)

Anywayssss, so obviously I've been away a while, but I love you all and thank you so much to all the recent fans. I love you all! I read through every single comment that you guys send me, and honestly it makes me the happiest girl on earth when I see all the positive things you guys have sent me, I don't even know where I'd be without you all.



Just to clear things up with you sexuals ;) basically last chapter they did have sex, but I couldn't make it more detailed, you know I wanted to, because if it was sexual then someone could have reported it and then the whole story would have been deleted, and after all this work, I really didn't want that to happen, and it has happened to me before so yeah:')

After I have finished the book, I might just make a separate wattpad book and put in that single sexual scene in it for a bit more detail;) 

This one's dedicated to: HopeMarie0 who looks like she has been a long term reader, well thank you baby, thanks for staying and reading my fanfic baby aw love you!

Anyways, on with the story. LOVE YOU!


**Harry's POV**

Watching Eric carefully through the very corner of my eye, I slowly paced backwards, heading towards the large wall that I knew was behind me. I needed to create some distance between me and this guy, I knew him well, and in this situation, he was dangerous as hell. 

One false move, and I could be dead.

I quickly lowered my eye line to his hands, watching him effortlessly flip the black death weapon in the fingertips of his right hand, toying with the small trigger as if it was all a game, leaving me shaking in fear. I knew that I needed help, even though I was a grown man, able of fighting for myself. 

But he had a gun.

As my back hit the wall behind me, creating a light thud, I watched Eric quickly spin around, staring at me impenetrably with his black eyes, making sure he had no threat towards him. I put my hands up in defeat to show that I wasn't doing anything sneaky, and Eric lowered the gun, knowing there was nothing to worry about.

This guy really has gone crazy, he's been driven to this state. It looked just as though he was in a full psychotic episode, and I know exactly how dangerous these sorts of things can be, more than anyone did.

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