Chapter 23: Love me like you loved Zayn

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! So a lot of you have been saying that you're disappointed that it's over.

IT'S NOT OVER! ARE YOU CRAZY! I'm not the sort of person that would leave a book on that kind of ending, that was a rubbish ending! I promise, you will definitely know when the books finished, I will make sure you know! Did I ever actually say that it was over though? If I did then I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Haha:3

Well it won't be over for quite a while anyway! I'd say we're only around half way through!

So please keep watching the trailer guys! I've put it on the side again for you, it's got 1k views now on YouTube so please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to me! Yay!

Chapter dedicated to: NarryThough for making me smile with her comment tehe.

All of you make me smile when you comment though, I actually just love you all so much what I FREAKING LOVE YOU ALL OKAY AGH.<3

Enjoy this chapter;) and remember, IT'S NOT FINISHED, AND IT WON'T BE FINISHED FOR AGES!:)


**Eric's POV**

Once Zayn had ignorantly stormed out of my house, after he'd rudely accused me of taking Belle and declined my offer of him helping me find her, I was pretty annoyed. But I wasn't annoyed with myself, I was annoyed with Harry.

We had a deal, and he was going to stick to it. I know Harry, I know him well, and if there's something that he can't resist, then it's money. I knew that the only reason he was going to give Belle to me in the first place was because he had no money, so I need to use that to my advantage, I will include it in the plan.

But for all I know, he could be absolutely anywhere right now. I didn't have anything on him, I had no spy phone to connect with him, and I hadn't bugged his phone, so I couldn't hear what they were saying.

At least when Belle was hiding with Zayn, I could easily keep track of them and know where they were because of the ambushes I set down against Zayn, but now she's with Harry, I have nothing.

Harry surprised me, it was supposed to be the opposite way round, I was supposed to catch him off guard, but he's the one who surprised me, which meant I had no time at all to plant any traps for him. He had got me.

But the worst thing out of this whole situation was, I was working with Harry when I was trying to find Zayn, he would know all the tricks and illusions I use, which means that I have lost the most important thing in my plan, the element of surprise.

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