Chapter 2: Running from the police

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**Annabelle's POV**

"Come on, we have got to get out of here.' He said. I watched him slowly pacing, he was probably thinking of how we are going to get off of this freezing roof, since he looked very confused. He had his eyebrows scrunched together tightly and his lips were slightly pouting, and he was very carefully nibbling on his bottom lip. He still had his hood up, but the strong moonlight hit his face perfectly under his hood, so I could make out his facial features vividly.

He took me off guard by suddenly spinning around so he was facing me directly, and he chuckled to himself. He probably thought I was checking him out, he caught me. 

He strolled over and crouched down to where I was, as I had been sitting on the roof floor in a ball, and he looked me in the eyes and slowly he tugged his hood down so I could see his face clearly. He had black messy sex hair, and a designer facial hair stubble, which outlined his cheek bones. I mean, if this was any other day I would be attracted to him, but the fact that he has scared me to death by kidnapping me throws me off a little bit... unsurprisingly.

After I had finished examining him, he rested his hands onto my shoulders so that I couldn't wriggle out of his grip, and he leant forward slightly, pursing his lips together. I thought he was going to kiss me, so I got my hand ready to slap him and push him away, but surprisingly he didn't kiss me, he moved his face to my ear, and hesitated slightly.

'My name's Zayn.' He whispered, and after a couple of seconds, he leant back to look me in the eyes again, but he turned his head and quickly glanced at my hand which was in the air, close to his face, and he chuckled again. I think, no I know he knew I thought he was going to kiss me.

When the hell did I get so weak? Why was I letting this strange man get to me so much? Any other day, if a guy would come near me with different intentions other than to have a friendly chat with me, I would slap him and walk away. Why was Zayn any different? Zayn. The word lit up in my mind, circulating everything that was happening, everything I was doing. Oh yeah, I remember. Because he freaking decided to KIDNAP me.

He held his hand out for me to shake, but I didn't exactly want to shake hands and be introduced to the person that's holding me against my own will, so I turned my head away and refused, I refused to take his hand and I refused to look at him. As I looked to the ground, I heard him shuffle for a few seconds, and then he coughed slightly.

'Big mistake.' Zayn mumbled, and he yanked me off the floor forcefully, he spun me around and grabbed both my arms with one of his. He then started shoving and pushing me over to where the drop was to the alley. He was threatening me, threatening to push me down from the roof all the way down onto the floor, and dear lord I was scared. 

Zayn scared me. He wasn't like other kidnappers, he was so much more. The way he would be gentle, and yet so forceful and frightening. This is why I have ended up here, about to get chucked off a building. Because Zayn was so alluring, even though he was going to be the one to kill me, I was just so curious of him, of his whole past, present and future, even though I was petrified of his actions.

'You wouldn't.' I whispered, and I stretched my neck to try and look back at him, but he grabbed a fistful of my hair with his spare hand and twisted my head back round to face the alley floor. He pushed me forward so that the front of my feet were hanging off the edge of the building, one more step and I would be in mid air. You see what I mean? His actions didn't hurt, they didn't hurt me at all, they just terrified me.

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