Chapter 30: Remembering Her

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! So I haven't updated in a week, I'm really sorry about that, but I had exams all last week so I had no time:-( anyway, this week is half term in England so we get a week off, more time for me to update!:)

Anywayyyys, this chapter's dedicated to: EternalLove_Zayn for her lovely long comment!

Seriously I find it so hard every time to pick only one person to dedicate a chapter to, it's so hard for me to choose so I am really really sorry if you don't get chosen D': Normally, I pick a long paragraph because I see that the person obviously cares because they've spent so long on writing it, and then I see if they follow me or not.

Anyway, I really wanted to express to you guys how much this whole experience means to me, so here's an emotional paragraph for you beautifuls:

I honestly don't know where I'd be without all you readers. I don't know what I'd be without wattpad, seriously this has been crazy. I have realised how lucky I am to have you, 3 thousand followers, three thousand people have decided to follow me, more people follow me than people go to my school, which is phenomenal, and I also have 6 thousand comments? Meaning around 6 thousand people have tried to contact me? Seriously, I know I say it a lot, but I can't say it enough. You guys mean so much to me, I am going to actually cry when this book has finished, and I just hope you go on to read my other books:)

Thank you beautifuls! Enjoy this chapter!


**Zayn's POV**

I firmly placed my dry hands on the rough, rocky surfaced ground I was sitting on, lifting myself up and off the floor, brushing the small pieces of dried mud and stone as I got ready for yet another long walk. This was all so much effort, after everything I've already done. But it was worth it, I know it was worth it.

I've been through all this before, every last second of it. It's like my life is repeating over and over again. I had too much hope of seeing Belle again, too much, dangerous hope. So much that I could literally see her in my head, nothing else. All I could see is Belle. But I would always be constantly disappointed. Disappointed that Belle didn't turn up, disappointed that I didn't find her, and disappointed that I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

But yet again, every last second of the pain I was going through then was worth it.

I continued to walk along the ridiculously long footpath, literally dragging my feet across the ground now. My normal, even footsteps had become unnaturally merged together into one, as I shuffled impatiently along the stony ground, in hope of seeing her again, even if it was a glimpse of her.

Quickly, in hope of getting any good news again, my mind flickered to the heavy phone in my pocket, dragging me down. I know it obviously wasn't that heavy, it wasn't really heavy at all. But when you've been walking for miles and miles, it seemed as though I was carrying a dozen weights behind me, it was so heavy. 

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