Chapter 16: Ordering a Taxi

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Author's Note:


This chapter is dedicated to: LoveReader101 for all her lovely comments(; LOVE YOU GURL.


Next chapter is dedicated to one of you commenters, obviously;)


Oh and people are asking if they are going to have sex... YOU DIRTY MINDED BAFOONS! Tehe... 


And someone said to me that the story was boring :-( I'M SORRY! I can't exactly chuck in excitement! I am trying my best, but I can't really do much as it will be going to fast, and then people will say it's going to fast and I'll be like, sorry I was trying kto make it exciting, so yeah, I have a little plot in my head of what's going to happen, but it can't happen now! It will be too soon and the whole story will end up being short!


Here it is!(:



**Annabelle's POV**


I found my eyes mindlessly wandering over to Zayn again, I just couldn't seem to control my thoughts, they would never fail to end up on him. Yes, I was constantly with him all the time, which didn't help the situation, but I trust him now. Ever since the little misunderstanding we had this morning and everything he said to me, I instantly knew that I trusted him. If I hadn't of trusted him, I wouldn't be here now, I'd probably be at home, or worse, at Eric's... but I don't even want to start thinking about that. Zayn is keeping me safe, and that's all that matters.

But as much as I didn't want to think about where I could be now, I just couldn't stop thinking about everything that could have turned out differently. What if I hadn't of trusted Zayn instantly in the first place? I would have told the police they were kidnapping me? Why didn't I do that? Because I trusted Zayn of course. And I was scared of Harry, he said he would hurt me if I told anyone.

Even though this was only a few days ago, it seemed like weeks, even months, because of everything that's happened in the past 72 hours. It's been pretty crazy, and I managed to put my trust into a boy my age that I don't even properly know...

My eyes flickered back to Zayn. He was bending over, picking our clothes off the floor and chucking them into the little bag, his arms in his vest top flexing in and out as he tensed them, reaching out for things on the floor. I couldn't help but stare as the bottom of the vest top slipped up slightly every time he lent over, revealing a small strip of tanned, beautiful skin.

"Are you just going to stand there checking me out, or are you going to help?" Zayn's voice echoed through my ears as I blinked cautiously, stepping out of my daydream. I looked at him confusedly for a second, before taking in what he said, blushing violently at the fact that he had just caught me staring. I didn't say a word, trying to hide my face behind a curtain of hair, whilst picking up the duvet cover from the floor (I don't even know how they got there, considering I just sorted out the bed this morning) and laying it neatly on the bed, ironing out any small creases, and putting the pillows at the top.

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