Chapter 35: Failing Escape Plans

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Author's Note: 

I'm going to be thanking as many as you as possible during these last few updates, so make sure you read the author's notes!

SORRY THIS IS A SHORT ONE! It's just because next update is a real long one!

GUYS! Darken My Love is nearly over :''''''''(((( I really hope you've all liked this book, I just wish I could carry it on, but it will get boring! I have got my last plot twist up my sleeve! But don't worry, it's not over yet! Still a few more chapters to go!

PLEASSSSSSEEEE Head over to my account and read Blindly In Love! IT'S A NIALL FANFICTION WHY WOULDN'T YOU READ IT!;) I will update it today or tomorrow, and when this book it finished, I will be concentrating on that one, so hopefully you guys will read it for me, and I will continue to do author's notes on there, so please help me get that one as popular as this one! I'd actually love you guys forever! Meh, I love you forever anyways;)

So since it's nearly over, I will tell you guys my  twitter! Please follow me guys, my twitter is: @kiera_x_ley. If you follow me, I PROMISEEEEE to follow every single one of you back!

This one is dedicated to another commenter: tommo_superman for her lovely comments, but another big shoutout to: Mrs_Payne1 for her comments too! I love you guys xo

THIS UPDATE IS SCARY RAWR. But in the next one, there will be some romanceeee, what you've all been waiting for!;) SEE YOU NEXT UPDATE AGH.<3<3<3<3<3


 **Belle's POV**

After walking down several more smaller streets through the middle of the cold London in the middle of the night, we finally found a small hotel to stay in, along the side of the road. It looked slightly shabbier than the one that we found Eric in, and reasonably smaller, but it didn't look like a complete dump. Obviously they were in need of more money, considering it's state, so they could fix the place up a bit.

But that was our only problem... We had absolutely no money at all.

Harry was the one that actually offered to pay for the hotel fee in the first place, we just hoped that somewhere, someone will be kind enough to just let us in. If otherwise, we will just have to sleep uncomfortably on the freezing cold stone street, in the middle of London, where anything could happen. 

Someone could kill us to take our money, then after they've killed us, they'll realise we have no money, or they could seperate us. I may just be being paranoid, but honestly it could all go wrong and to be honest, I really really didn't want to sleep in the streets, not anywhere, especially in the centre of London.

But I know I'm being selfish, Harry is probably battling with Eric right now, wanting and needing our help but getting nothing, even after everything he did. I know we can't go back, but he's on his own with our biggest enemy.

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