Chapter 19: Marvin's

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Author's Note:

HEY GUYS! So don't be alarmed, I changed the title of the story to 'Darken My Love ~ Zayn Fanfiction' for copyright reasons! I realised that if this story was reported for copyright, it would be deleted straight away, and I would lose the whole story, and 2.5 million reads, and I really don't want that to happen! So please don't stop reading or anything! It's exactly the same story! 


Chapter Dedicated to: TheFranny1998 ! Next chapter dedicated to a commenter as usual!(;

Hope you all had a lovely easter! I think i've gained about 3 stone from all this chocolate D': See you next update!X



**Zayn's POV**

The guy behind the counter eyed Belle up and down, a little too long for just a casual glance. In anger, I grabbed the pen from the man, as he stood there in shock, and took the paper from his hands. On the sheet in front of me, I only had to fill in details like, phone number, and date of birth, so that we were eligible to actually book the hotel room.

I had to quickly ask Belle for her date of birth and stuff, which made the man interested, as I noticed that every time I needed to ask Belle a question, he would lean forward ever so slightly, just so that he could hear her reply. He didn't seem like a 'people person', not the type that should be the first man you see in a hotel.

After I had finished quickly scribbling down mine and Belle's details, I traded the slip of paper for a hotel room key, and took Belle's hand as we scurried away from the guy behind the desk. He was a little odd, maybe a little too knowing, but I didn't think much of it.

The number on the set of keys was a 41, printed in black and white on the back of the plastic coating, attacthed tightly to the set of keys. I continued to pull Belle up the stairs playfully as I heard her melodic laugh echoing behind me, bouncing off the stone walls. As we got to the last step, I chucked the keys to her, she caught them gracefully, and I opened up the door for Belle, stepping aside as she walked through.

Belle skipped through the hallway ahead of me, her long hair skipping behind her in eagerness to get to the hotel room. I continued to laugh at her, my stomach hurting from the constant shrieking that I was letting escape my lips. 

I guessed Belle had found the hotel room, as I couldn't see her in the corridor anymore. She'd gone into the room. I ran down the corridor, trying not to laugh as Belle had passed on her eagerness to me, and I found room 41. I had to knock on the door, several times, as Belle thought it would be funny to lock me out.

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