Chapter 6: Heart-to-heart Talk

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Author's Note:

CHAPTER DEDICATED TO: MidnightTonight for her lovely comment on my last chapter:3

Okay so basically some people have said that this story is a little confusing, so I'm really sorry about that, I did try to make it easy to understand but I guess I am a little confusing lol :$ So basically I will quickly give you a little plot of the story.

If you understand the story, then just scroll down past this author's note:3 

Okay so basically, Annabelle, or Belle (they're the same person), went to this party, but she had a headache so she left, and she started to walk home but Zayn was following her.  After a while, Annabelle hears someone behind her so she runs, and Zayn chases her into this alleyway. Harry is watching them from the roof of that alley, and he calls the police, who come and run into the same alley that Zayn and Annabelle are in. Harry needs Zayn's trust, so he pretends to save them, and he pulls them up onto the roof, and then the police chase them across the roofs. They find a way back onto the ground again and then they get into the car, and Harry drives them to the bosses house. (IM NOT TELLING YOU WHO THE BOSS IS! SPOLIERS!:P) and basically the boss demands to see Belle, but Zayn doesn't want that to happen so he grabs Belle and they run away from the house, and walk back to Zayn house. Zayn gets beaten up on the way back, and Belle nearly gets taken by strangers, but Zayn saved her, and then tried to get her to go into his house, but she refuses, so he carries her in, and then makes her sleep in his bed (NOT SEXUALLY YET!;)) and then they wake up, Zayn walks in on Belle in the shower, they have breakfast.

That's the storyline so far, so I hope you understand it a little more now, I'm sorry it was confusing!:(

So here's chapter 6!


**Zayn's POV**

"Okay, let's talk." I said unsurely. I bit my lip in anxiety as I watched Belle looking at me, unsure of where to start. She wore my clothes alot better than I did, she was sitting cross-legged right in front of me on the sofa, her brown hair pushed behind her ears and waving down her back, she was naturally beautiful.

"How do you know the 'Boss'?" She asked me after a couple of seconds more thinking. Her eyebrows were knitted together in confusion as she slowly twiddled her small thumbs in her lap, her eyes gazing up at me, she was waiting for my answer.

"Well me and Harry came across him a while back, I was boxing in a local show and he was there to watch, and he offered Harry and I a huge deal of money if we could do a little job for him." I said truthfully. If she's going to ask the question I think she's going to ask next, then I think she's going to be pretty scared. She looked at me in confusion for a split second, and then she hesitated, and looked down at her lap.

"What was the job?" She asked, looking up at me again , her nose twitching slightly to the right as her lips pouted. Yep. She asked the question I knew she would ask. She was very cute, very innocent, and I like it, but I want it to be ME who takes that away from her. No-one else, me.

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