Chapter 12: I'm With You

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Author's Note:

Hey guys:3


Firstly, I want to apologise LOADS for not updating yesterday, basically I had around 2 hours sleep on saturday night, so I was exhausted on sunday and I didn't have time to update :( but hopefully this one will make up for it!


Some people are saying this is going pretty quickly, but to be honest, I've already done 12 chapters and a prologue, and we aren't even 2 days into the story yet?! Do you guys think it's going that quickly?:(


If it is, be honest and I'll try and slow it down for you! I'm not really sure how to but I will try! Oh and also someone said this book is still confusing! I DON'T UNDERSTAND! Lol I am a confusing person, but I explained it all out! **sigh**


Don't worry about it, I seriously love you all too much;)


Dedicated to: LalaHomsi for her constant voting and lovely comments:) I LOVE YOU GIRL.




**Zayn's POV**

I woke up to the sound of her gentle snores, surrounding the cold morning air beside me. As I rubbed my eyes open, I squinted at the unfamiliar room around me and quickly rolled out of the bed in shock, hitting my head on a tiny bedside table.

"What the..." I rubbed my head as the pain shot through it quickly as I tried to stand up, off the floor. I looked around the room and then the memories of what had happened last night started flashing through my mind. So I hadn't been kidnapped, I was in the hotel.

Belle had gently stirred after all my commotion, and she did exactly the same as me, her eyes widening in shock at the strange room, and then her expression softening when she realised where she was.

"It's so cold." She said groggily, pulling the bed covers back over her, obviously trying to get warm. I smiled at her and didn't hesitate to jump in after her and warn her up.

I pulled the covers quickly yet confidently around us both, as I pulled Belle closer to me, and she snuggled up to me, warming herself up quickly...

I genuinely liked the body contact, the way her body felt squeezed up against mine and the was she placed her small, petite hands around my waist and wrapped her skinny legs around my waist, trying to warm herself up. It set my stomach on fire and my mind was racing, but she was unsure.

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