Chapter 13: Rags to Riches

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Author's Note:

So I've been told there's too many author's notes... whoops:') :(

So there will normally just be one at the beginning of the chapter now(:

Chapter dedicated to: StaceyJOneDirection for her beautiful comment on my last chapter(: ILY!

Next chapter's dedicated to another commenter;) Get commenting! Love yahhh.


**Annabelle's POV**

We both walked through the small village in silence, casually smiling or glancing at each other every once in a while. Neither of us bothered to start any conversation, because it would just end in silence again, but it wasn't awkward. It was very comfortable, apart from the fact that Zayn tried to grasp my hand occasionally, and I had to lightly hit him away playfully.

I don't think Zayn had any specific route planned, especially as sometimes I walked slightly ahead of him so that I was leading, and he didn't really tell me where to go so he just followed me, but I was still slightly mad at him from yesterday.

He knew that I did actually have a life, and I didn't want to throw it all away just so that I could play hide and seek from everyone I care about, I don't know what I feel for Zayn, but I do know that he kidnapped me, and he's dangerous... Which scared me.

I shivered at the thought as Zayn tried to grab my hand again as I frowned again and tugged away lightly. As I lifted my head and looked at him, but something shocked me. Normally, when I tugged his hand away, he would smirk or try and grab on again, but this time he stared right back at me, and an unreadable emotion flickered through his eyes. Only for a split second, then he realised I was trying to read him, and he started to smirk again and quickly walked ahead of me, ignoring what I was about to ask.

I shook away my unsaid question and jogged slightly to catch up with Zayn, who was walking quicker than usual, his short sleeved band tee showing his flexing biceps in the cold winter sun, which I needed to stop staring at...

"Do you even know where we're going?!" I said, getting slightly annoyed with his overlooking attitude and ill manners. He obviously doesn't know that girls actually have feelings, and ignoring them isn't going to make them love you.

"Well I am trying my best Belle, I am doing this for you, you know." He grunted, shoving his hands in his skinny jean pockets, his back still facing me. So he didn't even turn around to speak to me?!

"Well maybe I don't need this 'for me'! I never asked for this Zayn! I don't even know who you are! You just kidnapped me, and you say you're doing all these things for me! I don't need you to keep me safe!" I roared, lunging at Zayn and turning him around so that he was actually looking at me. He looked hurt by my words, so I instantly felt bad, but in a split second, his look turned into anger as he grabbed my wrists and yanked me to the side and hit me against a wall, not hard enough to injure me, but hard enough to leave a bruise.

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