Chapter 39: And then he pulled the trigger

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Author's Note:

Since I haven't been updating very frequently, I decided to update ASAP for this one:) Sorry for the slow updates, I've had a lot going on, but I'm back now:-)

Thank you SO FREAKING MUCH for the 4000 fans. FOUR FREAKING THOUSAND PEOPLE KNOW I EXIST. Thank you so much you really don't understand how much each of you mean to me okay i love you. 

Thank you to everyone who messages me on my kik and on this account. If I haven't replied, don't think I'm ignoring you, or that I don't appreciate you guys, because honestly I do sooo much, seriously thank you, and sorry If I don't reply :(

Anyways, this dramatic chappie is the second last before the ending:-( OMG IT'S NEARLY FINISHED NO. And I'm leaving this chappie on a SUPER MASSIVE CLIFFIE HAHAHAHA SORRY LOVE YOU.

I've been seeing several people using the word 'chappie' now in the comments, asking when I update. Have I set an English trend of the word 'Chappie', omgomg have I?! ;) Yeah I need a life;)

Dedicated to: Durdane_Stylik for her lovely, kind, cute and complimentative comment -  Alliteration gurllllll yes;). Thank you baby love you.


Anywayyyyy enjoy! Love you! xo


**Belle's POV**

I slowly opened my heavy eyes, raising the back of my hand to cover my dry mouth in consideration of anyone that may be around me as I let out a loud, thick yawn, squinting my eyes and then blinking them rather rapidly to attempt to adapt to the bright morning light.

After countless minutes of trying to convince myself to move my lazy ass out of the comfy bed, I finally open my tired eyes and start to wake up, spreading the white bed sheets around and off of me, just to realise that no-one was actually there, Zayn had left. 

Now that can either mean he's downstairs, doing God knows what, or he's left the house, and I was seriously hoping it was the first possibility because I had no idea whatsoever where I was, let alone how to get around, and that’s not even getting started on how I’d find Zayn again, neither of us had phones.

After ensuring that I had properly woken up, I realised that I could hear muffled voiced coming from underneath me downstairs, someone else was in the house. Luckily, I recognised one of the voices as Zayn's, so he hadn't left the house, but there was definitely someone else there, he wasn't just talking to himself, and I was hoping that there wasn’t going to be any trouble.

I quickly get into one of Zayn's comfortable and large t-shirts, which luckily went down to mid-thigh on me, which was enough to cover me up for the meanwhile, while I figured out what the hell was going on, and I stumbled out of the bed, stretching my back violently before stepping quietly down the stairs, hearing the voices get louder as I got closer.

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